UGA Recruiting Daily 20-May-2016

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UGA Recruiting Daily 20-May-2016

Tyrone Trousdell – Lucy Laney High School – Augusta
Photo: @Tyrone_Truesdel Twitter

UGA Football Recruiting Daily

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updated as of 05-19-2016 at 11:59 PM ET



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Greg is closing in on 15 years writing about and photographing UGA sports. While often wrong and/or out of focus, it has been a long, strange trip full of fun and new friends.

254 responses on “UGA Recruiting Daily 20-May-2016

  1. dsw61

    hearing chatter that Kurt Taylor is transferring to Grayson. Is that new news or old news? First I’ve heard of it.

  2. Reddawg13

    Greg Poole Reddawg13 I thought this man was going to die. We were never able to dislodge that food as hard as we tried. The CPR may have saved his life. He had turned purple and was totally limp. Many of us worked on him until the EMT’s arrived. The EMT’S forced his mouth open with forceps and reached way down and got out the food. Intense!

  3. Greg Poole

    Reddawg13  Excellent! I had a friend back in the day who died in a restaurant because he aspirated a piece of steak.

  4. Reddawg13

    Well, last night I ended up giving the Heimlich to a man choking and then helping do CPR on him. He did leave with EMT breathing and had his color back, sure hope he is okay today.

  5. Reddawg13

    Bulldawg36 YUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    RobDawg They gave up 645 yds rushing to Baylor, a team starting their 4th string QB due to injuries in the bowl game…

  7. Bulldawg36

    I’m part of the dawg nation that’s considered the lunatic fringe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    RobDawg That’s been my point when predicting this game all along.  They could not stop the run or the pass, their defense ranked toward the bottom of all P5 schools in numerous categories.  If we can survive the initial butterflies and not make any stupid mistakes early, I expect us to wear them down with our running backs and TE’s…  Then plow the field with them in the second half.  Eason starts the game and is brought along similarly to the spring game, run the ball and quick short passes to TE’s, Rb’s and slot.  once the initial butterflies subside, let him loose and put this one away early in the 3rd quarter.  The only area of concern is can our defense limit their offense?  I believe kirby and mel will get the job done here and UGA wins handily in the dome.

  9. RobDawg

    I liked what I heard though that they gave up huge amounts of yards rushing in their losses with over 400 yds in those games. We need to pound them early and often and RTDB

  10. Greg Poole

    Lucas Rogers I think that is a given (some underclassmen leaving). I think I counted only 14 seniors on the roster

  11. Lucas Rogers

    Greg Poole godawgs678 Lucas Rogers That’s how many I think we take. Don’t have that many spots though so some current players will have to leave.

  12. Greg Poole

    godawgs678  I asked Lucas Rogers  about that yesterday – I think he said 28ish

  13. godawgs678

    Do we know about how many kids we can take in this year’s class? I’m assuming it will be larger than ’16.

  14. Lucas Rogers

    Greg Poole Lucas Rogers Demery most likely will this summer, Stevens also. And Jeremiah may end up pulling the trigger soon too.

  15. Lucas Rogers

    Greg Poole Lucas Rogers nothing really at the moment. Holloman will be in town this weekend. UGA leads with him so hopefully they can increase the lead.

  16. dawgmum

    I’m going to be gone for the weekend, so I’m leaving @ in charge. Get some recruits up in here already.

  17. DawgDaddy

    Greg Poole I think Gus from that list but I really believe that should Booch not come through on all of those promises he has made with a SECE championship, he may be shown the door himself.  CMR was fired for not winning it in 2 favored years, this will be his 2nd in a row.  Just sayin’.

  18. Hobnailboot aka RobG

    Yeah because the more people with a say the quicker it goes….. YFR! That stands for Yeah F****** Right

  19. DawgDaddy

    dsw61 I agree, best friends almost always trump cousins, unless of course your cousin is your best friend.

  20. DawgDaddy

    DawgLink I really want him but somehow I think we will be fine either way.  I trust CKS.