Richt: UGA Using GPS Trackers in Uniforms During Practice

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Richt: UGA Using GPS Trackers in Uniforms During Practice

GPS Device on Back of Sony Michel’s Jersey During Saturday’s Practice

UGA has joined some of the top programs in college football (and most of professional sports) and using GPS tracking to monitor player data at practice here is what Richt has to say. [su_spacer size=”40″] Benefits claimed by the system manufacturers include:
[su_spacer size=”20″] [su_quote style=”modern-light” cite=”GPSports” url=””] Improve Team Performance
– True periodisation models to be implemented for optimal athlete performance

– Player conditioning to be accurately tracked and then manipulated

– High and low performers to be quickly identified and addressed

– Players will return faster from injury by accurately tracking and manipulating the loading model

Accurate assessment of intensity and work rate allows:

– Training to more specific to the positional demands of the game

– Conditioning drills to overload game intensity

– Training to be structured to achieve tactical, skill development and conditioning objectives

– Players to be compared objectively and individual strengths and weaknesses identified
[su_spacer size=”20″] Minimise Injury
Injuries will be reduced through:

– Automatically identifying any player at risk of injury based on their recent loading profile

– Providing insight to better manage the exposure to key intensity variables that relate directly to soft tissue injury

– Providing insight to accurately grade training for ‘at risk’ players such as, rookies, players with relevant injury history and players returning from injury

– Identifying ‘break points’ with respect to training load and injury

– Accurately quantifying individual loads to ensure loading and recovery objectives are achieved
[/su_quote] [su_spacer size=”40″] Here’s what Coach Richt said about the system:
[su_spacer size=”20″] Mark Richt on GPS technology being used to track players at practice

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Greg is closing in on 15 years writing about and photographing UGA sports. While often wrong and/or out of focus, it has been a long, strange trip full of fun and new friends.