Cost of Attendance stipends are a source of worry for those who see Georgia’s relative small payments to student-athletes as a recruiting disadvantage.
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“It’s a moving target,” McGarity said, “I think you’ll see some movement around the conference. There can be no collusion. It’s against antitrust laws as I understand things now for conferences to get together and say ‘Let’s do this, let’s do that.’ We would love to be able to be there one day where we have consistent cost of attendance figures.”
How do SEC CoA payments compare, you ask?
Since, as McGarity mentions above, there can be no collusion between schools to fix stipend amounts and CoA numbers are allowed by the federal government to be adjusted annually; one would expect the payments to gravitate toward an upper limit of affordablity over time. Of course, if there is little effect on recruiting success from a lower CoA, the process of payment clustering near the top may take quite some time.