Bulldawgs in Business: Jenny Sligh of Appointments at 5

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Bulldawgs in Business: Jenny Sligh of Appointments at 5

Name: Jenny Sligh

Family: Four sons, three daughters-in-law, seven grandchildren, no dogs at the moment, and one cat named Mama Kitty

Hometown: Savannah, GA

Current town: Athens, GA

What years at UGA: I went to UGA from 1953-1955. I went to an all girls school my first year, and then transferred as a sophomore to UGA. I graduated in 1955. 

School/Degree: B.S.E.D. in education 

Profession: Shopkeeper at Appointments at 5 in Five Points

What was your biggest take away from UGA? My biggest takeaways were great friends, great memories, great times, and of course, a great education. One of my favorite memories while I was at UGA was taking flying lessons.

What was your favorite class at UGA and why? My favorite class was Contemporary Georgia because it was the first class I got to go to with boys. I previously went to an all girls school and it was the first time in my life I got to be in a classroom with both boys and girls.

How did your experience at UGA influence your career? It taught me to appreciate hard work ethics, putting my best foot forward everyday, and looking forward to and appreciating each day.

What achievement are you most proud of? The achievement I am most proud of is being the mother of five boys and living to tell the tale.

What is your favorite part about your career? I love being able to meet and talk to people, and I love making new friends.

What is one skill that you would like to improve? I’d like to become a better user of technology. 

What do you typically do in your free time? I love to eat at Marker 7 or the Royal Peasant (my two favorite restaurants in Athens), talk, drink a glass or two of wine, and socialize.

Who is your favorite writer and why? Ayn Rand is my favorite writer because she is the author of my favorite book, Atlas Shrugged. She had so many ideas that were way before her time and they are still so true today.

What is your favorite part about Athens? My favorite part about Athens is the friends that I have made here. I also love that I am able to live a life full of good times and a life full of happy times. My favorite time of year in Athens is the fall because I love UGA football with Kirby Smart.

Who would you consider your hero?  My hero is my son Howard Sligh. He has overcome so many obstacles to be the person he is today. He never gives up on anything he wants to achieve.

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