Daily Dawg Thread: August 17, 2022

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Daily Dawg Thread: August 17, 2022

Daily Dawg Thread: August 17, 2022

Video/Transcript: Brock Bowers and Broderick Jones Interviews

On knowing if he would have an immediate impact last fall…   

“Not really… I was out there doing my thing every day. Just working hard. I didn’t really expect much during Fall camp last year. It just kind of all happened. Happened pretty fast too.” 

On the quarterbacks… 





“All the quarterbacks are great. They all spin it, spin it good. They throw it and I just catch it. There’s not any huge difference on the field . They can all throw. I’m just here to catch the ball. They are all great guys too. I love hanging with them off the field.” 

On the TE room… 

“We are all rooting for each other, supporting each other. It’s a really good environment in that room. Everyone wants everyone to succeed. When someone else is making plays, I’m happy for them. When I make play, they are happy for me. It’s a good environment.”  





On being challenged to be a leader at left tackle…  

“It’s always a work in progress. But I feel like, I’ve done enough to push myself to be better. You know, I can always be better in any aspect of life. So, I just continue everyday to push myself and practice push my teammates to be better. I try not to look at my own, individual action at left tackle. It’s all about the team. I’m not trying to put everything on myself. I’m looking forward to  seeing the team get better and see the team progress as a whole.“ 

On what the future best version of himself looks like… 

“Just come in hard, working every day. Just trying to hope uphold the standard of the team, just never slacking. Don’t come out sluggish, because the offensive line has always been a physical unit. So I just try to keep up in tradition, be physical in the run game, be physical in the pass game. Just keep it going.” 

On his professional aspirations as a left tackle prospect…  

“I really don’t try to think about it too much. Just because I still have business here at the University of Georgia, I feel like I haven’t fulfilled my full potential here in Georgia. So I’m working towards that before trying to think about anything further along.” 

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Greg is closing in on 15 years writing about and photographing UGA sports. While often wrong and/or out of focus, it has been a long, strange trip full of fun and new friends.