DDT: 2021 Defensive Targets Committing Soon

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DDT: 2021 Defensive Targets Committing Soon

DDT: 2021 Defensive Targets Committing Soon
Xavian Sorey on a pre-COVID visit to Georgia

Tuesday was a busy day in the world of 2021 defensive recruits of the University of Georgia. Both Xavian Sorey and Kamari Lassiter made it known that their decisions will be announced sooner rather than later. Sorey simply put out a tweet stating that he’s committing “soon”. Lassiter was more specific and announced that he’ll, “be committing Thursday evening on the ACA football field, 7pm!!”

Georgia has heavily pursed both the 4-Star linebacker and 4-Star cornerback in Sorey and Lassiter respectively. Adding one or both of these talented prospects would add even more depth to the Dawgs 2021 class, currently ranked 8th in the nation after the signing of 5-Star tackle Amarius Mims. Also each would be prime out of state pick ups with Sorey being from Florida and Lassiter living in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

The addition of Lassiter would fortify depth at cornerback going forward. Cornerback is a position that the Dawgs could lose up to 3 very talented players at in Stokes, Campbell, and DJ Daniel at the end of the 2020 season. Lassiter is originally from Georgia, the Savannah area, and has visited Athens both recruiting and just to visit on a few occasions. When I last spoke to him and asked what he liked about Georgia and why he could see himself play there, Lassiter responded, “That defense! The defense is amazing, up in the top 5 in every aspect of defense last year. Coach Smart has a great plan. They play a lot of DBs and I feel like I could definitely fit well into that system. Also, the academics are great and that’s a big plus for me.”





I’m of the opinion that Xavian Sorey is the best linebacker available to the Georgia Bulldogs. Sorey is an incredible overall athlete and he also is likely to have a plus-one, so to speak. Sorey and 4-Star safety and fellow Florida native Terrion Arnold have made it clear they want to play college football together. Many prospects give this idea lip service but the desire to team up together seems genuine and is certainly something that the schools recruiting each have tapped into, including Georgia and Florida.

UGA getting Lassiter would be big! Especially with fellow 4-Star cornerback Nyland Green trending for the Dawgs. From what I’m hearing, Georgia is in a good position with both Sorey and Arnold. Whatever the result, it now appears we’ll know in the coming week or two on each.









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280 responses on “DDT: 2021 Defensive Targets Committing Soon

  1. 1mandawgpack

    One thing that I have noticed that is a little odd is that when someone logs back on during the same day, their last comment appears as if it’s a new comment, even though it might have been posted hours ago.

            1. 1mandawgpack

              I’m glad my Mom forced me to take typing in HS. While I hated every minute of it (I think I was 1 of 2 males in the class), it saved me a ton of beer money in college as I could type my own papers instead of paying someone to do it for me and has obviously been huge since computers became so prevalent in society.

            2. Bob Miller

              One of the few classes I got C’s in was Typing 101 during my sophomore year in high school, and I ended up taking it because all the other electives were full. I couldn’t type to save my life the first semester and my teacher thought I was a lost cause. But it clicked at some point during the second semester that year.

      1. Bob Miller

        I got an email notification @g_poole , but not sure how to access the private comment (message).

        1. Greg Poole

          Under the main comment box there is an eyeball icon similar to the CBS logo – that designates the thread as private

          1. 1mandawgpack

            I don’t see that function but I wonder if one has to be logged in as something other than a guest to be able to use that feature.

  2. PTCdawg

    hmmmm…given my career in IT, it might surprise you how hard I am finding it to figure out how log in to the new platform…but for those who have seen me post over the years it probably wouldn’t surprise you at all…

  3. Joe Kennedy

    Buck and Hut being critical of Kirby when comes to QBs and I agree with em. But at the same time he can’t help it Newman left and Daniels isn’t physically ready. Hope we Figure it out soon because Kentucky and sc have good secondaries

    1. Bob Miller

      As Kirby is the head coach, it ultimately falls on him to make sure Georgia has the players and staff it needs to compete and win. But as you pointed out, I think this season is a perfect storm between a coronavirus pandemic altered practice(s) and QBs leaving or being hurt.

      Actually, I think it could have been worse. Kirby and the staff made sure to get Bennett back on board in addition to picking up two transfers in Newman and Daniels to go along with signing Beck

      Part of the heat Kirby is getting is the hangover are fans perceiving that the coaching staff are not playing the best players or that there is no open competition in practice because he started Fromm over Eason in 2017 after Eason came back from the MCL injury and then Fromm over Fields in 2018.

      1. WalkedthedawgWhisky

        The fact that Daniels in Athens is a testament to how hard Kirby is working to fill that QB1 slot. Most people thought it was bizarre that we chased after Daniels after the WakeForest Opt-out was being touted as a Heisman candidate. Those faulting Kirby for where we are at.. better hope they don’t get evaluated on their own jobs under that type of criteria.

        1. Rob Dawg

          Do the roaches remove tar and ground in dirt? Never knew that you could clean something with roaches. Learn something new everyday.

    1. Bob Miller

      To me, how much Sam Pittman and his coaching staff have improved Arkansas in such a short amount of time compared to the last 2-3 years.

      And LSU going from a Nat’l Championship team to a “middle-of-the-road” SEC West team.

      1. Asheville_Dawg

        I think Arkansas is a good story. Really like Sam Pittman and am happy to see his team doing well

    2. 1mandawgpack

      From a player perspective, Franks at Arky as been a big surprise to me as he doesn’t even look like the same QB that played for UF. He looks confident running the offense and isn’t just a turnover machine like he was during his time with the gators.

  4. bpuga09

    I wonder if this LSU situation helps us with Forman. I feel like the NCAA isn’t going to think 8 scholarships is enough, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see a post season ban come down.

    1. 1mandawgpack

      8 represents 9% of the total players allowed to be on scholarship (in a normal year), which seems pretty steep (or said another way, it’s about 33% of the maximum class size of 25 allowed by the SEC, again in a normal year).

      1. bpuga09

        That’s why I think anything further will be bowl bans. This is a straight up pay to play issue, and the NCAA is usually quite hard on those.

        1. 1mandawgpack

          Was it a pay to play issue or was it Odell handing out $ on camera following the national title game (i.e., payment after the fact)? I honestly don’t know as I haven’t seen an article about it.

          1. TripleDawg

            Said a player’s parent got paid by a booster is going to be what they admit to. I’m a cynic, I doubt it just happened that one time?

          2. bpuga09

            It’s both, a booster was embezzling money from a hospital (real classy fellow) to pay a player’s parent under the guise of a job (that he never had to show up for). The OBJ stuff is just tacked on, though the main issue is likely that the LSU administration said the money was fake only to have Joe Burrow say it was real a day later. I think the issue there is that they lied about it publicly more than OBJ doing it.

            1. 1mandawgpack

              Thanks for the info – I just found an article and read it.

              I had forgotten about their basketball program being named as one of the AAU ‘pay to play’ teams that was named in the FBI investigation (including a wire tap where the head coach is overheard talking about paying a player’s family).

              With the football and basketball programs being under the microscope, the school may receive a ‘failure to monitor’ penalty, which would be a huge deal. While I don’t think we’ll ever see another ‘death penalty’ like at SMU, I do think the NCAA issuing that penalty would likely result in post-season bans in both sports, among other penalties.

    2. 1mandawgpack

      One might make an argument that with reduced scholarships, it’s even more important that LSU sign the best of the best. Clemson built itself into a national powerhouse with recruiting classes having fewer than 20 recruits, so it’s certainly possible to remain elite even with fewer players. A post season ban might hinder that effort, though, as kids want to play for titles and in big games.

    1. 1mandawgpack

      He’d be the 3rd CB in this class so I hope it doesn’t impact Green. I know there’s no guarantee we’ll get Green, but rumor is that we’ve gained a lot of momentum in his recruitment lately. I watched a little of Green’s game last weekend and it wouldn’t surprise me to see him convert to a safety at some point with his size (6’3″), particularly after he gets into a S&C program.

  5. Rocketdawg

    I know the whole QB controversy got heated yesterday. My apologies if I came off harsh or rude to anyone. The main reason I like to post here is because of the respectful nature and well informed posters. We all want what is best for our Dawgs and that is to win the Championship

    1. 1mandawgpack

      I think it’s perfectly fine for people to have differing opinions on matters so long as it doesn’t get nasty on a personal level, which it certainly did not. I just bit my tongue yesterday and generally didn’t weigh in on the conversation much as it’s a lot like politics – you can talk/justify until you’re blue in the face but you’re likely not going to change the other person’s opinions or views.

    2. Bob Miller

      95% of the time BI folks debate and disagree cordially and with respect. You all do a really good job and us mods appreciate it.

  6. Elton Mcconnell

    I realize that most won’t give Kirby and the DAWGS the proper respect until they beat bama and that’s acceptable, but I do truly believe that the time is coming and it will be this year in the ATL. KIrby seems to learn from past mistakes so I’m just keeping the FAITH the DAWGS will finally take over, bank it. GO DAWGS!!!!!

    1. Asheville_Dawg

      Wondering if LSU can finish .500 this year. Such a big drop off from last year but losing all of those players and coaches is a lot to overcome

      1. Asheville_Dawg

        I’ve got:

        South Carolina vs. LSU
        Michigan vs. Minnesota
        Alabama vs. Tennessee
        Nebraska vs. Ohio State
        Penn St vs. Indiana

        Non Power Five Matchup of Cincinnati vs SMU will hopefully be entertaining as well

          1. 1mandawgpack

            Just like most of the other football being played this year (including NFL), I expect to see some sloppiness. That said, the top 2 or 3 teams in the B1G are so far superior to the other teams in the league that I still expect blowouts.

    1. Shultz

      Hanging the “Gone Fishing” tomorrow for 8 days of chasing trout. Leaving the football to the homebound peeps.

            1. 1mandawgpack

              That’s awesome, Shultzy. I went fly fishing in Yellowstone right over my first wedding anniversary, to give you an idea of how much I love stalking trout. Best wishes for tight lines.

            2. Shultz

              Well the bride and I celebrated our 25th a few years back on a secluded trout fishing trip. Her waders are already packed for tomorrow.

            3. 1mandawgpack

              I’ll never take my wife trout fishing (she wouldn’t want to go even if I asked) as she’d likely show me up. Plus, it’d be harder to make up fish stories when returning from the trip : ).

            4. Shultz

              The benefit of having the wife around Pack is that I always have someone around to let me know I’m doing it wrong!###

            5. Shultz

              I’ll be in your neck of the woods in two weeks looking for the saltwater version and maybe some reds.

            1. Shultz

              Got lucky. Make reservations 14 months in advance. Normally schedule the off week before Fla game. Campground does have cable so had the schedule not changed, would have watched the KY game on the truly small screen.

  7. Asheville_Dawg

    Good afternoon fellow dawgs!! New to the site but have been following UGA sports for a long time. Looking forward to discussing all things UGA and hoping to make a few friends in the process

    1. Elton Mcconnell

      You won’t find a better more informed and accepting of all DAWGS views group online. Game day thread is a blast. GO DAWGS!!!! Welcome

    1. 1mandawgpack

      If you’re trying to log in via the ‘connect with disqus’ feature, Greg hasn’t worked through that issue yet.

  8. WalkedthedawgWhisky

    Used to be the off week meant coaches were on the road to High Schools… Since that apparently is a no go..how will Kirby have them re-tasked?

    1. 1mandawgpack

      My guess is watching lots of the Bama game film to identify problems that need to be addressed to make the players ‘better’ (as Kirby mentioned on several occasions in his presser yesterday) and watching lots of UK game field to prepare for them. With Kirby at the helm, there won’t be a fall break for the coaches, for sure.

      1. 1mandawgpack

        Looks like you’re commenting as a guest. Greg mentioned earlier this morning that this commenting platform has lots of custom features that he’s in the process of figuring out and implementing. It looks like one option is to log in through Disqus and that’s a feature that I assume Greg will try to launch a bit later after he gets the basic commenting functions working properly.

  9. Haws1178

    I guess I’m slowly figuring this out and when I say slowly I mean as slow as Tennessee’s rebuild of their football team

    1. 1mandawgpack

      A few minutes ago, I was seeing new comments, including one from Blayne that said something along the lines of ‘there will be a new dawg soon’ or something like that. Because new comments weren’t always loading, I refreshed my page and now none of those comments, including the one from Blayne that I referenced above, are showing. I know you’re working through wrinkles but just thought I’d mention this issue that I’m having for your consideration.

      1. 1mandawgpack

        My guess is Kamari Lassiter, the CB out of Tuscaloosa (originally from Savannah though, I believe) who is committing tomorrow night. His only crystal ball projection is from an Auburn insider and was made yesterday, although it was given a confidence rating of 5 (medium).

    1. 1mandawgpack

      Did you create an account with the new software to get your avatar to pull over? Or did you just input your info into the ‘post comment’ feature and it pulled over?

    1. Greg Poole

      That is also optional – in fact not much you see here is set in concrete – but there are hundreds of options and it will take a minute to get it customized like we want it.

    1. Josh Hancher

      Looking at overall success and rush success on 1st and 2nd downs. Dawgs are bottom third in success rate and YPP. Kirby talked about OL conditioning and running tempo. But, tempo with low efficiency on early downs don’t mix. UF Bama are close to 6 YPP. Dawgs sub 5.

    2. 1mandawgpack

      It’s ironic that the perception is that we went pass happy in the second half while in fact, based upon your statistics, we actually ran more than passed in the second half (vice versa in the first half).

      It’s also not lost on me that the majority of the UGA fan base last year complained of wanting a modern, spread offense rather than the ‘man ball’ run heavy offense that we had under Chaney and Coley. We now have that and fans are now wanting more focus on the running game. Unlike last year, WRs were open on passing plays, so I’m still excited and optimistic about the changes that Monken has implemented to the offense to modernize it. We’ll continue to improve as this pandemic made it tough on every team, but particularly on a team implementing a new offense/OC, new OL coach and trying to identify a starting QB when we’ve had so much consistency at the QB position the previous 3 years (at least as the starter is concerned).

  10. Greg Poole

    This is still an ongoing process – probably will not be finished until this afternoon sometime – I have to go to my dentist at 11

    1. Greg Poole

      This is the system that has private commenting – I haven’t gotten to that yet. There are a ton of customizations available and I’m trying to address them in a systemic manner

  11. Elton McConnell

    Kinda sounds like Kirby will have Daniel’s ready to maybe at least play against Kentucky, I still think Stetson will start , losing one game won’t cause a change unless Stetson struggles, IMHO

    1. 1mandawgpack

      I think it’s really too early to know anything regarding what might happen 2 weekends from now. Kirby will never purposely throw a kid under the bus during press conferences and media interviews so his responses regarding Stet’s performance against Bama didn’t really surprise me. In addition to the ongoing knee issue, Greg posted yesterday that JTD is also dealing with an ankle injury. While he’ll have a bit more time to heal up with the off week, those injuries could cause issues with respect to how many snaps he might be able to take in practice this week and next. So, I think there are far too many unknown variables to make a prediction on the starting QB role against UK and which other QB(s) might see game action.