DDT: Reading Into Kirby Smart’s “Between the ears” Comment at Tuesday Press Conference

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DDT: Reading Into Kirby Smart’s “Between the ears” Comment at Tuesday Press Conference

Many in the media were scrambling yesterday morning when Kirby Smart called an unexpected press conference. It’s unlike Smart to do so, and the topic of conversation and the reason for the the gathering was unknown. However, it appears that Smart simply wanted to highlights some positive things going on with the program in terms of humanitarian efforts, allow media to ask questions, and give some of his assistant coaches an opportunity to address the media and answer some questions as well.

During Smart’s opening comments of the press conference, and in many other instances as well, the Georgia Head Coach mentioned how the Dawgs are working on themselves as a team and trying to improve, “between the ears.” Smart, who in the same presser downplayed the idea that a plethora of experience and playmaking ability on offense guarantees success on that side of the ball, made it clear that Georgia was a young team in terms of overall college football experience. Due to the fact that many of the players on this 2021-2022 Georgia Football squad have not been a part of what most would consider a normal spring and, or season, Smart and the Dawg coaching and support staff are being very intentional about working on the mental makeup of unit and are heavily utilizing what Smart referred to as “skull sessions.”

Yes, Kirby Smart likes to downplay any potential hype surrounding certain players and the team as a whole. However, Smart certainly does not shy away from the standard, and the pressure for that matter, that he has helped to build around the Georgia Football program. If anything Smart and company are trying to find ways to address the pressure and expectations for this team without directly brow beating his squad with championship talk. I firmly believe that Kirby Smart knows this team is the most complete and most talented physically that the has in his tenure as the top guy at Georgia. Smart also is savvy enough to know that just a couple of mental breakdowns, just a couple moments of lost compsure are the difference between what has happened during his first 5 seasons (a worthy and successful run of football) and having 2 National Championships to his credit.





If Georgia can be stronger mentally and more connected that ever before with the weapons they return offensively and the raw talent they possess defensively, then the 2021 season could be one to remember for the Bulldog faithful. It’s refreshing to see growth and a change in tactics as well. Kirby Smart knows that you have to adapt or die in the world of elite college football programs. Georgia certainly seems to be adapting on a variety of fronts.





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