Jeb Blazevich: “Everything’s Important”

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Jeb Blazevich: “Everything’s Important”

Jeb Blazevich's game face
Jeb Blazevich’s game face

Vance Leavy caught up with tight end Jeb Blazevich to ask about Kirby Smart’s emphasis on red zone offense this spring and the fact that Jeb’s offensive unit seems to have gotten the upper hand, so far.
When asked how the team goes about improving its red zone offense, Blazevich answered:
“A lot of stressful situations, a lot of intentional drills in terms of the lower red zone, the higher red zone, just understanding this is what you get, you either get it, or you don’t. A lot of competition down there… Just the little things – the little competition – making it more important, and then playing the film so in our minds, we understand this is where were lacking, learning from it, growing from it and then continuing to rep it.”
When asked who won red zone at Saturday’s first scrimmage, Blazevich laughed and said, ” You’ll have to come out to G-Day to find out!”


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Greg is closing in on 15 years writing about and photographing UGA sports. While often wrong and/or out of focus, it has been a long, strange trip full of fun and new friends.