Kirby On Scrimmage Performance: “We’ve got to get better”

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Kirby On Scrimmage Performance: “We’ve got to get better”

Kirby Smart looks on during the Bulldogs first scrimmage of Fall Camp - Saturday, August 12, 2017 -
Kirby Smart looks on during the Bulldogs first scrimmage of Fall Camp
– Saturday, August 12, 2017 –

Kirby Smart did not appear to be in a good mood after the first scrimmage of the 2017 Fall Camp. When asked about the play of his starting quarterback (Jacob Eason), Smart replied:

Yeah, I thought he did some good things. Some periods he was better than other periods. He made some really good throws. He made a couple that I thought could’ve been better decisions. He led the offense well and competed hard, but he still got to get better.

Consistency of performance was a reoccurring theme of Kirby’s remarks:

The defense did not show up for a couple of periods. It was like that he had gotten to them, and we can’t have that. We’ve got to push through that. They’re going to be times when we have to play, and you got to push through it. I didn’t think they push through it at all times like they should.
A guy that made a play then made a drop. So, it’s just consistency of performance that I do not think we’re getting. The good news is we have another week of camp to get a better.



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Greg is closing in on 15 years writing about and photographing UGA sports. While often wrong and/or out of focus, it has been a long, strange trip full of fun and new friends.