Kirby Smart’s Post-practice Press Conference 2017-August-01

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Kirby Smart’s Post-practice Press Conference 2017-August-01

Kirby Smart day two of fall camp post-practice presser
Kirby Smart

Head Coach Kirby Smart gives a post-practice report after the Bulldogs finish day two of fall camp, and he has some good news on 2017 signee Robert Beal, Jr.
Kirby’s opening statement covered moving from shorts into pads for the upcoming third day of practice on Wednesday and that he has been happy with the overall team enthusiasm in practice so far. Coach also touches on keeping track of the number of yards each player covers during practice and special teams.
“OK, we just finished up Day 2 in shorts. The fashion show is over. We get to put pads on tomorrow and find out more about our team. I’m not fired up about shorts because guys don’t look as good,” said Kirby Smart. “But we find out a lot more tomorrow when start popping a little bit. I’ve really been pleased with the enthusiasm of the team. A lot of leaders leading and guys pushing each other. It was a little hotter today than it was the first day. The first day we had practice backed up due to finals. Today it was a little bit hotter and I think the players are starting to get a bit more acclimated to that. We’re trying to keep their yardages down on the GPS, which is tough to have a good practice. It’s hard sometimes to keep ’em under 6,000 – 7,000 yards. So you start worrying about hamstrings and soft-tissue injuries. But, excited for where they are. We’ve been able to work a little bit on special teams, punting and a little bit on field goal teams. Those two special teams units have been at the forefront, and then everything else has been base offense and base defense.”
Here is Kirby’s full post-practice press conference from Tuesday, and you have your choice of audio only or the video.








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