[su_spacer size=”40″] Coach Richt had this to say about Mitchell:
[su_spacer size=”20″] [su_quote style=”modern-light” cite=”Mark Richt Tuesday Presser – GSU Week” url=”https://soundcloud.com/user-197203470/mark-richt-gsc-week-presser”] “Malcolm, you can’t help but be really proud of what he’s done on and off the field. The injuries have certainly slowed down his athletic career. If he was healthy and played three great years, he might’ve been gone for two years. Now here he is in his fifth year, but he’s learned a lot about life along the way. Even last year he was thinking ‘should I turn pro or should I stay?’ I told him in front of his mom, I said ‘the good thing about you, Malcolm, is whether there’s the NFL or not, you’re going to make it in life. You’re a very smart young man. You’re a very polite young man. You have people skills. You have a lot to offer. You care about people. You’re more than just a one-dimensional human being that football is your only identity and that’s all there is in your life. Whether you play in the NFL or not, you’ll make it.’ That’s what I was excited for him about, was trying to tell him the NFL’s going to be there either way. Getting your degree is important. To write the book and to want to help young kids learn how to read and learn how to read well, he realized later in his academic career how much fun it is to read and how much benefit there is to reading. He just started to devour it. He wanted the other kids to have confidence earlier in their lives and have a lifetime of reading and academic success.”
[/su_quote] [su_spacer size=”40″] Listen to Malcolm’s interview below:
[su_spacer size=”20″] https://soundcloud.com/user-197203470/malcolm-mitchell-gsu-week-interview
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