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[su_spacer size=”40″] In case you missed it or didn’t hear, it was announced just after 12 noon ET on Sunday that Mark Richt would be stepping down, resigning as the head coach of the University of Georgia football program. To discuss this huge news, Bob Miller is joined by Bulldawg Illustrated owner and editor Vance Leavy along with Bulldawg Illustrated writers and contributors Greg Poole, David Rosenberg, and Murray Poole on today’s special BD Illustrated On-Air show.
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[su_spacer size=”40″] Make sure to download the SoundCloud app for your Apple or Android device – HERE. Our podcasts are also available on iTunes.
[su_spacer size=”40″] [su_box title=”Make sure to follow the hosts and guests on today’s show at:” box_color=”#050505″ title_color=”#ffffff”] [su_spacer size=”20″] Follow host Greg Poole on Twitter @ecdawg_BI
[su_spacer size=”20″] Follow co-host Bob Miller on Twitter @bulldawgbob2_BI
[su_spacer size=”20″] Follow David Rosenberg on Twitter @RosenbergsWrite
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[su_spacer size=”40″] In case you missed it or didn’t hear, it was announced just after 12 noon ET on Sunday that Mark Richt would be stepping down, resigning as the head coach of the University of Georgia football program. To discuss this huge news, Bob Miller is joined by Bulldawg Illustrated owner and editor Vance Leavy along with Bulldawg Illustrated writers and contributors Greg Poole, David Rosenberg, and Murray Poole on today’s special BD Illustrated On-Air show.
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[su_spacer size=”40″] Make sure to download the SoundCloud app for your Apple or Android device – HERE. Our podcasts are also available on iTunes.
[su_spacer size=”40″] [su_box title=”Make sure to follow the hosts and guests on today’s show at:” box_color=”#050505″ title_color=”#ffffff”] [su_spacer size=”20″] Follow host Greg Poole on Twitter @ecdawg_BI
[su_spacer size=”20″] Follow co-host Bob Miller on Twitter @bulldawgbob2_BI
[su_spacer size=”20″] Follow David Rosenberg on Twitter @RosenbergsWrite
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