Proust: Chase Hopkins

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Proust: Chase Hopkins

Proust: Chase Hopkins

Name: Chase Hopkins

Family: Anna Kate Hopkins (B.A. 2010); Charlie (Age 6); Nancy (Age 5); Linton (Age 1)

Hometown: Griffin, Georgia

Current Town: St. Simons Island, Georgia

What Years at UGA: 2005-2009

School/Degree: Franklin College (Biology), B.S. 2009

Profession: Dentist/Owner Plantation Dental Associates

Accolades: Kappa Alpha, UGA Presidential Scholar, Glynn County Dental Society President (2019), College of Coastal Georgia Foundation Board, Eagle Scout

What life lessons did you learn while at UGA? 

The importance of friendships and time management. The relationships that I formed at UGA have been the most lasting and meaningful in my life. Also- Athens can be pretty distracting place and I learned in my years there how to achieve an acceptable work/life balance!

What do you consider your greatest achievement? 

My greatest achievement is convincing a beautiful UGA ADPi to marry me and welcoming three perfect children into this world. My family is my whole world and I am blessed beyond measure to have such an incredible wife and kids.

Which historical figure do you most identify with? 

Doc Holliday- other than the obvious comparisons (being a Dentist from Griffin), Wyatt Earp is quoted as calling Doc a “loyal friend and good company”. Two qualities I hope to be known for!

Who are your heroes in real life? 

There are many people that I greatly admire, but I have to say my father. My dad and I have different careers in health care, but he has always guided me and given wonderful advice over the years. He instilled in me hard work, the importance of education, and doing the duty that lies nearest.

Quote to live by:

“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy whole might. Work while it is called today, for the night cometh wherein no man can work”

What is your idea of perfect happiness? 

Being outside and enjoying our perfect little island with my family. A morning in the breakers trying to snag a bull red, a late afternoon tee time, and then a golf cart ride up to Gould’s Inlet for a sunset. A night game in Sanford and the occasional trip to the North Cape are hard to beat also.

What is your most marked characteristic? 

Affability and a good sense of humor

What do you most value in your friends? 

Loyalty and Kindness

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 

Quit worrying too much about things in the future and live more in the present and enjoying the small moments of each day with my family

Who are your favorite writers? 

I am a huge history nerd so have always enjoyed Stephen Ambrose (Undaunted Courage, D-Day). Thomas Carlyle is another one of my favorites.

Fave social media and who to follow? 

Poor Man’s Game Notes- always a great preview for the weekend’s game. Also Chip Champion’s Facebook.

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