Proust: Judge Tony Baker

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Proust: Judge Tony Baker

Proust: Judge Tony Baker

Name: Judge Tony Baker

Family: Bride/Boss-Tiffany (married 27yrs), Son-Tate (24), Daughter-Anna Beth (22). 

Hometown: Canton, Georgia

Current Town:  Canton, Georgia

Years at UGA: 1985-1989 for AB Degree in Political Science, Law degree from Mercer University in 1992. 

Profession: Superior Court Judge.

Accolades: I’ve had the privilege and honor to have served on many boards and organizations in my hometown, such as Northside Cherokee Hospital Board of Authority, Malon D. Mimms Boys & Girls Club of America, Court Appointed Special Advocates, Cherokee County Educational Foundation, and serving as BSA Scoutmaster for Troop 125 in Canton.

What life lessons did you learn while at UGA?

I learned the hard way early on that if you stay out late and skip class, you’re not going to be successful. This applies in life also. 

What professor did you most admire?

Dr. Martin Hillenbrand, my Political Science teacher and advisor.  He was well traveled and could explain politics and lessons to his students in a way that was understandable and enjoyable. He always had a smile on his face and was very encouraging and engaged with his class.

Which historical figure do you most identify with?

Presidents Reagan and George W. Bush. Why? These men of faith loved their families, their country and their friends.  They were practical jokers, have a great sense of humor and loved a good laugh. 

Who are your heroes in real life?

My late father, Elliott Baker. He was an awesome dad to me and my siblings. He was so much fun and so cool! He loved everyone, and everyone loved him. He was quick witted and such a jokester. He and mom adopted me sight unseen in 1975 when I came from Vietnam as an 8-year-old. The lady that was supposed to care for me was going to put me in an orphanage and when she was in Dad’s law office for a meeting she mentioned this to him and he said on the spot, “we’ll take him.”  He then called mom and said, “honey, congrats, we’re having a boy.” I’ve been a Baker ever since. God has a plan for us all. There are no coincidences. 

Quote to live by: 

Trust in the Lord with all your  heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Cool 400-450 fall mornings in Athens on game day where it’s perfect for a morning run. Then back to hotel to get ready to tailgate with all my friends for a kickoff that’s NOT at noon. After the Dawgs win, then it’s dinner and cocktails with some more friends. 

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My family, without a doubt.  I have a wife who loves me unconditionally, a son who’s 6’4” (I’m 5’9”) and a daughter who, thankfully, looks like her mother. 

What is your most marked characteristic?

I love life, practical jokes, and  laughter. Laughter is the cipher key wherewith we decipher the whole man. 

What do you most value in your friends?

Loyalty, empathy, integrity, honesty, and of course, a friend who can laugh at himself. 

What is your most marked characteristic?

My sense of humor and my southern drawl. The accent doesn’t go with the Vietnamese Italian face. 

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

There are several things: That I’d be a wee bit taller, like my son, have the patience of Chip Champion and Alan NeSmith and the coolness of Nolan Smith, Will Bentley and Ben Land.

Who are your favorite writers?

David McCullough, Stephen Ambrose, and Thomas Carlyle. McCullough and Ambrose wrote great non fiction historical books that lead you through the pages with clarity and purpose. Carlyle’s masterpiece, Sartor Resartus, leads you through the pages and makes you look introspectively. 

Fave social media and who to follow:

I don’t have any social media. I don’t think I’m that interesting to post things for others to see or follow. But I do read Dawgnation and Bulldawg Illustrated. Anything about UGA I read.  

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