Proust: Paul Threlkeld

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Proust: Paul Threlkeld

Proust: Paul Threlkeld

Name: Paul Threlkeld

Family: Ansley; Hughes (19), Ella Bankes (17), Hamp (14)

Hometown: Vidalia (Vi-damn-daya)

Current Town: Savannah

What Years at UGA: 1994-2001

School/Degree: Grady College of Journalism (ABJ);UGA School of Law (JD)

Profession: Shepherd

Accolades: I am quite positive that I am the only lawyer in American history who was prosecuting someone for a crime and then moved to have the charges dismissed during sentencing after the offender performed the Hambone in open court. The courtroom gallery went nuts, the judge was nonplussed, and the performance was nothing short of spectacular. DM me for more details. Other honors, etc. may be found at

What life lessons did you learn while at UGA?

How to make friends and influence bartenders.

 What professor did you most admire?

Charles Bullock and Loch Johnson in undergrad.  Those two are absolute masters in their respective fields and made the material fascinating. If you didn’t get a chance to take one of their classes, your loss. In law school, R. Perry Sentell, Jr. and Dan Coenen had tremendous influence on my class rank. I had Prof. Sentell (“Prof”) for all three of his classes, so, yes, I was knighted. His style was unique and you learned the subjects, whether you made an A or a C. Professor Coenen is brilliant and humane. Both of them were demanding and kind.

Which historical figure do you most identify with? 

Hughes Spalding

Who are your heroes in real life? 

I have a few: Soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines;  the doctors, nurses and researchers at St. Jude (and anyone who has devoted their life to curing childhood cancer); those who minister to the sick, the friendless and the needy.  

Quote to live by: 

“I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.” Lt. Pete Mitchell.

 What is your idea of perfect happiness?  

Every day in the orbit of Ansley, Hugs, Bear and Squirrel Dog is pretty damn amazing. But since you asked . . .the day would have to start with cup of toe-tingling coffee from Lanny Allgood’s “Orgazmatron 5000” coffee maker. (It’s that good. Hence the name.) My daughter and I always take a run through campus. (If she’s not with us, we always text each other “Happy Gameday!”) Next, we jack up the volume on the Redcoat Band playlist (if you’re in the house, you’re now awake) and mix up some spicy Bloodies. These segway nicely into tailgating with family and friends one of those banner fall mornings in Athens. You know, those mornings you can’t describe, you just feel it. Walking into Sanford Stadium with 92,746 of your closest friends always gets the blood pumping. After a convincing win over an SEC opponent with hideous uniforms we’re feeling great and one of the geniuses in our cadre calls for an E-9. Never a bad idea. After collecting my winnings, we all have cigars on the porch of the clubhouse and count our blessings. 

 What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Have you met my children? I am more proud of them than anything else. Oh, and I have been married to a cool, fabulous woman I love and admire for more than 20 years.

 What is your most marked characteristic?

Some would say being able to take work seriously, without taking myself too seriously. I’m good with that.  

What do you most value in your friends?

Being able to accept me for who I am and me likewise accepting them. I love my friends and they know it. (I love you guys!) Ok, they know it now.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I wish I hadn’t broken Kirby’s nose in the KA/SAE pledge game. He’s probably still a little miffed about that. But he’s a competitor and a winner so he gets it. #HBTFD!

 Who are your favorite writers?

I think Amor Towles is a modern-day Mark Twain. He’s an amazing story teller. I have always loved David McCullough. He shows us that history is life and not just war, and politics. Tommy Carlyle was a philosopher without equal. Can you imagine having all of that knowledge swimming around in your head and being able to convey it in such simplistic prose? Note of caution: Mark Twain died while reading Carlyle’s The French Revolution.

Fave social media and who to follow?

 @pmgn. If you’re a Georgia fan and don’t follow, please continue hibernating beneath stones. It’s like Rolling Stones for Dawg fans. And give a follow to @super70ssports. You’ll be glad you did.

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