Proust Q & A: David Crabtree

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Proust Q & A: David Crabtree

Proust Q & A: David Crabtree

Name: David Crabtree

Family: Pamela (Wife), Sam (14), Caroline (11), Ethan (7)

Hometown: Marietta, Georgia

Current Town: Bogart, Georgia

What Years at UGA: 1999 – 2004

School/Degree: Terry College of Business, BBA in Accounting 2004 /Master of Accountancy 2004.

Profession: Partner, Warren Averett.

Accolades: Partnering with the UGA Alumni Association for the Bulldog 100.

What life lessons did you learn while at UGA? I learned two important lessons at UGA: 1) Life does not always work out as you plan, as I was originally a Pre-vet major; and 2) To be successful, I learned the value of work hard to achieve my goals.

What professor did you most admire? Dr. Dan Smith was my Intermediate Accounting professor. He was an incredible teacher that really dug into the “why” of the accounting concepts. He challenged us every day in class to be better, whether that was as a student, future business leader or citizen.

What do you consider your greatest achievement? My family. I have an amazing wife of 17 years and three wonderful children.

Which historical figure do you most identify with? Clark W Griswold. Inevitably, whether it’s vacation or holidays with family, something always seems to go wrong. While things don’t always go as planned, lasting memories are made that result in a good laugh. Also, I’m a huge fan of exterior illumination.

Who are your heroes in real life? My parents. My mom taught me hard work and dependability will lead to success. My dad taught me to never stop learning and everything home improvement. Also, I am forever grateful to anyone that serves or has served in the U.S. Military.

Quote to live by: Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. – Ferris Bueller

What is your idea of perfect happiness? Sitting on the beach with my family, enjoying the sun and surf!

What is your most marked characteristic? Sense of humor and my calves. My friends call me Calfzilla. I could almost give Anthony Evans a run for his money … almost.

What do you most value in your friends?
Loyalty and honesty.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Having more patience and being able to grow a beard!

Who are your favorite writers?
One of my favorite books is Unbroken. Louie Zamperini’s resiliency and perseverance is a testament to the human spirit and what we are capable of under pressure.

Fave social media and who to follow?
It would have to be Twitter. I use it to follow UGA athletics and my favorite teams to stay informed with all things sports.

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