Many observers think the SEC should end its ban on satellite camps so that League teams can recruit in Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. In reality, SEC teams do not need to travel to the frozen wastelands of the North for players – the players are here, and that’s the reason Big Ten teams are not holding camps in Akron.
All that is necessary for the SEC to do is adopt the NCAA rule. That is, led teams hold camps within their states. If Michigan is going to have coaches attend a camp at Georgia State – fine. UGA could just schedule one for the same day at Grady High School. Holding camps around the state would also be useful for evaluating talent. Savannah, Augusta, Macon, Columbus, Albany, Valdosta, Brunswick, Rome and Dalton could join a camp rotation much like the current UGA Day tour.
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[su_quote style=”modern-light” cite=”Bleacher Report – Barrett Sallee” url=”http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2477396-sec-threatening-to-change-recruiting-forever-if-satelite-camps-continue”]
Sankey said that votes are weighted among FBS conferences, with FBS Power Five conferences getting two votes to every “Group of Five” FBS vote—with a simple majority of those 15 needed to pass the measure.
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With three conferences behind and benefiting from satellite camps and Group of Five FBS schools benefiting from the exposure created by high-profile coaches at their camps, it’s going to be an uphill battle for the SEC to ban satellite camps.
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There is very little chance of a vote to ban access to these camps on a national level since only the SEC and ACC oppose them. The time has come to act, and the most effective action would be to restrict SEC teams to holding camps within their respective states (to prevent interstate, internecine camp warfare). Such a plan would have the additional benefit of pitting the Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee teams against each other. There is nothing like watching the Alabama teams squabble.