SOFTBALL: Maeve McGuire Named to SEC Community Service Team

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SOFTBALL: Maeve McGuire Named to SEC Community Service Team

Maeve McGuire
Maeve McGuire

Georgia softball senior Maeve McGuire has been named to the SEC Softball Community Service Team.

The SEC sponsors Community Service Teams for all 21 league sponsored sports. The Community Service Team looks to highlight an athlete from each school who gives back to their community in superior service efforts.
McGuire is actively involved in multiple community service activities on the Georgia campus, in Athens and back in her hometown. She has volunteered for such things as Safe Walks to School with Barrow Elementary to promote healthy living as well as the Special Olympics Baseball Game. A member of SAAC, McGuire has done various activities with the group, including Relay for Life Date Auction. She gives her time at local Athens food banks, helps collect toiletries and donates needed items to shelters.
Back home around Chicago, McGuire helped at the Mercy Home for Boys and Girls during the holiday season, making gingerbread houses with the kids.
McGuire is just as committed in the classroom, earning a spot on the SEC Honor Roll every year and Athletic Director’s Honor Roll each semester. She will be attending grad school next year in pursuit of her graduate degree in social work.

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