TENNIS: Bulldawgs Return To Athens For National Alumni Championships

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TENNIS: Bulldawgs Return To Athens For National Alumni Championships

Magill tennis Center
[su_spacer size=”20″] ATHENS——More than a dozen former Georgia tennis lettermen are returning to Athens this weekend for the National Alumni Championships to be played at the Dan Magill Tennis Complex.

[su_spacer size=”20″] This is the second edition of the National Alumni Championships, which consists of lettermen from various teams who are 30 years of age and older. Former Bulldogs expected to attend or play in the event this weekend include Steven Baldas, Drake Bernstein, Ryan Brandt, Chad Carlson, Manuel Diaz, Stephen Enochs, Jack Frierson, Javier Garrapiz, Eddie Jacques, Wright Kimbro, Jay Laschinger, Wade McGuire, Allen Miller, Antonio Ruiz and Kevin Sessions.
[su_spacer size=”40″] “It’s exciting to have our former players come back to the Dan Magill Tennis Complex,” UGA coach Manuel Diaz said. “For many of these guys it’s the highlight of the summer, and they’re looking forward to being here and playing with each other. We had a lot of guys who were interested, so we have three Georgia teams in the field, and that’s exciting. I think many of the visiting teams consist of guys who played here in years past, so they are excited to be here as well. We should have great fun and camaraderie, but I also expect that they’ll get pretty competitive out there and have a lot of fun doing that.”
[su_spacer size=”40″] The 2015 tournament will feature three Georgia teams along with squads from Georgia Tech, Kansas and LSU. Action begins Friday at 3 p.m. ET, and there will be two sets of matches on Saturday (10 a.m. and 1 p.m.) and two on Sunday (8 a.m. and 11 a.m.).
[su_spacer size=”40″] Each dual match consists of two doubles followed by the reverse doubles. Teams can make any number of direct substitutions for the second round of matches. If the score is tied 2-2 after all four doubles matches, there will be a team tiebreak to determine the winner. Each doubles match will be two out of three sets, with a tiebreak in lieu of a third set. Each set will be first to four games with a 9-point tiebreak at 3-3.
[su_spacer size=”40″] Georgia won the inaugural event last year in Fort Worth, Texas. Teams from TCU, Texas, Baylor, New Mexico and Middle Tennessee State also participated.
[su_spacer size=”40”] Admission is free at the Dan Magill Tennis Complex, and a live video will be available at
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[su_spacer size=”40″] Fans can also keep up with the action on Twitter by following @NACTennis and on the National Alumni Championships Facebook page.
[su_spacer size=”40″] [su_box title=”National Alumni Championships Schedule of Play” box_color=”#050505″ title_color=”#ffffff”] [su_spacer size=”20″] [su_tabs] [su_tab title=”Friday, June 26, 3 PM“][su_animate type=”fadeInUp”] Georgia Red vs. LSU (Courts 1-2)
Georgia Black vs. Georgia Tech (Courts 3-4)
Georgia Grey vs. Kansas (Courts 5-6)
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Saturday, June 27, 10 AM“][su_animate type=”fadeInUp”] Georgia Red vs. Georgia Black (Courts 1-2)
Georgia Gray vs. Georgia Tech (Courts 3-4)
LSU vs. Kansas (Courts 5-6)
[/su_animate] [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Saturday, June 27, 1 PM“][su_animate type=”fadeInUp”] Georgia Grey vs. Georgia Black (Courts 1-2)
Georgia Red vs. Kansas (Courts 3-4)
LSU vs. Georgia Tech (Courts 5-6)
[/su_animate] [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Sunday, June 28, 8 AM“][su_animate type=”fadeInUp”] Georgia Tech vs. Kansas (Courts 1-2)
Georgia Black vs. LSU (Courts 3-4)
Georgia Red vs. Georgia Grey (Courts 5-6)
[/su_animate] [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Sunday, June 28, 11 AM“][su_animate type=”fadeInUp”] Georgia Grey vs. LSU (Courts 1-2)
Georgia Black vs. Kansas (Courts 3-4)
Georgia Red vs. Georgia Tech (Courts 5-6)
[/su_animate] [/su_tab] [/su_tabs] [/su_box] [su_spacer size=”40″]

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