UGA Football Recruiting 01-Apr-2016

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UGA Football Recruiting 01-Apr-2016

Warren McClendon Jr.


UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread


Today’s Featured Recruits


Warren McClendon

Warren McClendon’s Highlights

Amir Riep

Amir Riep – 2015 Jr. Highlights

JD Bertrand

JD Bertrand’s Highlights

Zach Owens

Zach Owens’ Highlights


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Greg is closing in on 15 years writing about and photographing UGA sports. While often wrong and/or out of focus, it has been a long, strange trip full of fun and new friends.

313 responses on “UGA Football Recruiting 01-Apr-2016


    AlphaDawg Greg Poole Great quote Alpha!  I pretty much exemplify that statement right there! lol


    Greg Poole AlphaDawg It’s not even Cute!  Our programs have all taken a downturn.  Some have maintained, but most have dropped off.

  3. Greg Poole

    AlphaDawg Interesting scenario, but there is way more to the story than McGarity’s dealings with Richt and Smart. I don’t think the characterization of McGarity as a defender of Richt who was forced to sacrifice him by big boosters is strictly accurate.

    It is not as if everything is lovely outside of football.

  4. Greg Poole

    AlphaDawg Yeah , the ecdawg thing goes back before LHB. With the exposure of BI, it is probably better that I use my name.

  5. AlphaDawg

    Lakedawg heard the rumors too. Would make me really feel he was just a puppet for our big boosters if so. Boosters threaten to push out McGarity if he doesn’t get rid of Richt and hire Kirby, once they get Kirby, they push him out anyways, so Kirby can hire his yes man. Would also make sense with all of the complying McGarity has been doing lately.


    Lakedawg It’s kind of like the CMR stuff, there are a lot of rumors and innuendo flowing around it, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true!  I have no personal knowledge or inside info on it though.  Just what I’ve read from others.  Definitely would not hurt my feelings at all!

  7. AlphaDawg

    1mandawgpack AlphaDawg MMCSDAWG oh yeah and they pride themselves for coming in and stealing some players. LOL well you may have got one or two 4 stars out of Georgia that UGA wanted before, but I’ve got a feeling we’re going to start taking the ones we want and you’ll get our left overs. Oh and we’re going to take the only talent in your state as well. 

    Kirby is doing that to UT and Bama now. Making these guys fight harder to keep their own in-state stars.

  8. Lakedawg

    Been hearing last several days pretty strong rumors ADGM hanging it up, anyone know a date? Hooray if true,

  9. 1mandawgpack

    AlphaDawg MMCSDAWG  We lived in Nashville for 6 years and the quality of HS football there is relatively poor.  Several of the “powerhouse” programs were the schools that our kids were zoned for.  I went to a couple of games and watched and despite being well over 2x the size of my alma mater, we would have beaten them handily.  So, I trust the coaches as far as evaluating talent, but there’s a reason that most of UT’s roster is from Georgia.

  10. AlphaDawg

    MMCSDAWG ZippyMorocco ronaldo77 Only thing negative I’ve heard about Chaney is he has abandoned the running game on occasion. Haven’t heard anything bad about character or personality.


    ZippyMorocco MMCSDAWG ronaldo77

    Good catch Zip, we were talking OL so I was wrong in the coach.  I haven’t heard anything but positive about Chaney either, and from what I have read it sounds like Pittman and Chaney are even better together!

  12. godawgs678

    MMCSDAWG AlphaDawg I saw on the interwebs a hillbilly said “Losing Wray literally makes me sick”. It made me happy, I wont deny it.

  13. AlphaDawg

    MMCSDAWG AlphaDawg They thought Richt was a “decent” coach. Just wait until you’re at USC’s level of recruiting against us. Always get our scraps. We need Stevens and then I truly will be happy about plucking the only talent in Tennessee.


    AlphaDawg How sweet was an 18 commit from UT land!  Wonder how much of any effect all the negativity coming out of Hillbillyville is going to have on these 17/18 recruits.

  15. AlphaDawg

    Can we get a commit already?? I’m starting to think our staff can’t get it done


    ronaldo77 Nope, All I’ve heard and read is positive!  I know for a fact that every OL at Arky went to his house and tried to get him to change his mind.  That’s all I need to know.  I also read where this young man said his commitment is final and he will only visit UGA the rest of the way!

  17. ronaldo77

    Awesome news about getting a OL 2018! Its so far off though that anything can still happen with him.

    I’ve heard some remarks from TENN fans saying that Chaney wears out his welcome a lot of the times, anywhere he goes. Has anyone heard similar things as well?

  18. Greg Poole

    The anyone get a chuckle from all of the articles that posted yesterday informing us that UGA football’s new slogan is Attack the Day. They have been using it in their social media stuff for a while. I guess it is news when Georgia says it is news.


    haws1178 Me too!  Big Athletic boys!  His wing span looks to be about 10 ft already!  Long arms.