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UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread
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Today’s Featured Recruits
Bradley Kopydlowski
Class of 2018 – OL
Mill Creek HS, Hoschton, GA
Isaiah Stokes
Class of 2017 – DE / OT
Lausanne Collegiate School, Memphis, TN
Isaiah Wilson
Class of 2017 – OL
Poly Prep, Brooklyn, NY
Max Wray
Class of 2018 – OL
Franklin High School, TN
updated as of 05-02-2016 at 02:00 AM ET
DawgByte Good morning DawgByte
AlphaDawg Prayers and thoughts for her, you, and ya’ll’s family Alpha
Reddawg13 Bulldawg Bob2 Bulldawg36 Aye. They are both fast.
Bulldawg Bob2 Reddawg13 Bulldawg36 understand that, was just getting a feel for the speed of each. however on a long pass play they may very well close at times counting the route and YAC
Picturing this satellite camps future
Replacing uncle Vern
SEC undrafted
If you want to catch passes don’t commit to a spread team
Reddawg13 Bulldawg Bob2 Bulldawg36 His fastest official 2016 time is 10.93 in the 100-meter.
But football players rarely run a full 100 yards on a play except on punt and kick returns.
Bulldawg Bob2 Bulldawg36 and Drob’s?
1Dawg under God Good morning 1Dawg
Bulldawg36 His fastest 100-meter time is 10.64 seconds for the 2016 GHSA outdoor season.
Bulldawg Bob2 Petty well, now that the brunch bunch is here ;-}
BahitsAgain and they just lost their starting QB. oh well guess he figured if he couldn’t go to Stanford might as well get beat by them!
Good morning. How’s everyone’s Monday going so far?
Bulldawg36 2.21873756
AlphaDawg BahitsAgain Greg Poole converted 1981
My first day at UGA was the flea flicker game in 1965. I was a season ticket holder until my son played elsewhere in 1991. We didn’t need gimmicks or music to attend. The stadium was very loud when I was there.
Moving head changes spine axis – bad. And you do keep your weight back if though you drive off your back foot (draw a vertical line through the middle of the stance of any good hitter at impact and you’ll see).
He probably told those 7 Silents to spread their commitments!!!!
Bulldawg36 Nice counter move by Kirby and crew! Punch counter punch and I believe kirby got the best shot in!
Trey Blount baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hunker down!!! Woof Woof Woof!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What was hardmans time in the 100 meters?
It’s not quite that simple. Yes your head moves with your body as you step. Yes you drive off your back foot with a turn and roll to the tip of your foot. Once the front foot is planted though, the head does very little movement as the hips and shoulders rotate.
It’s not the head that’s critical, it’s that the spine angle stays close to the same through the rotation in the x,y and z axis. If you are moving your head much through rotation and impact, your brain has a hard time adjusting your swing path. It will make corrections that are “un-natural” and out of sequence.
AlphaDawg Thoughts and prayers sent Alpha! I had my gallbladder removed about 15 years ago! It was a GREAT move and I felt like a new man!
BahitsAgain AlphaDawg Greg Poole converted 1981 I’ll complain about it until it’s fixed. You can tell with the upbeat music choices now that it’s changing, but it’s been like pulling teeth to get here. I’m sorry people but Hank Williams just isn’t football hype music. He’s great for riding in the car, hanging out around the fire, etc. BUT NOT A FOOTBALL GAME!
I want people loud! In fact, I think they should put the awnings above the top sections to close in the sound. I like the side being open to the bridge, but have something like this to trap sound in.
Greg Poole posted wrong place. Suppose to be a reply to the Strobe Goggle article.
The cake didn’t lie. The colours told the story
Greg Poole “In an instant, it came to me as far as how it made you keep your head still. The instant application was, ‘OK, anybody that we’re working on when their head is moving a little bit, perfect.’ It makes you keep your head still and keep your head back. Even the slightest bit of head movement or lunging will make it impossible to see the ball.” — Tom Brunansky
“You fight against going forward, against lunging. Everybody lunges a little—you have to in order to keep your weight balanced as you stride. You can’t keep your head perfectly still as the golfer is told to do because your lead foot is moving and the head and body come with it to maintain balance.” — Ted Williams
Tom Brunansky 6’4 210lbs 14 year stats:
Batting average: .241
Homeruns: 271
Slugging percentage: .434
Ted Williams 6’3 190lbs 19 year stats:
Batting average: .344
Homeruns: 521
Slugging percentage: .634
If you have a kid who plays baseball, don’t tell him to “stay back” or “keep his head still”. It’s one of the worst hitting instructions being taught today. I laugh every time I hear people say today’s hitters can’t hit as good as Ted did, because the pitching is better. Maybe if more hitters would actually try and do what Ted actually did hitters would hit better. MLB and college baseball are full of hitting instructors who were mediocre hitters themselves. How does a 6’4″ 210lb guy who hit .241 become a hitting instructor? I guess if you want to hit .241 you should follow Brunansky’s advice. If you want to hit better than .241, IMO you are way better off doing what Ted said to do.
Next time you walk, pay attention to how your body moves. Does your body move like a toy soldier…where your torso stays back while you lift one foot, put the foot down and the torso follows? Or when you walk, does your torso begin to lean forward slightly…FIRST…and…THEN…your foot lifts off the ground and reaches forward? “Stay Back” in hitting is the equivalent of walking around like a toy soldier. The legs assist what the torso wants to do…the torso doesn’t assist what the legs want to do.
AlphaDawg BahitsAgain It is funny hearing “back up to a higher salary”. What is the base contract for an NFL guy? 1/2 million?
I could live on that. 🙂
BahitsAgain AlphaDawg Me too. I really thought he was a round 5 max guy. He was the fastest guy in the draft! Hopefully he can prove his worth and get back up to a higher salary.
AlphaDawg Greg Poole converted 1981 They used to be mocked as the “Wine and Cheese” crowd. Complaints go back beyond the old grape vine website.
ZippyMorocco AlphaDawg Haha no way! When watching this I was kind of disappointing they don’t do the red coat band spelling of Georgia; at least I haven’t seen it in a while if they do.
BahitsAgain I feel it will be harder for him to prove himself as a football player at Cal than as a student at Georgia. Really, it’s the student that creates the opportunities, not the school. Unless you are a genius that needs the resources of an MIT etc., you succeed by the work you put in not the level of academia that surrounds you.
Greg Poole converted 1981 Yes It will fade. My generation and the GenX crowds are much more into standing and yelling. The country club atmosphere will be out of the stands and into the club seats soon hopefully.
AlphaDawg ZippyMorocco
Don’t rub it in.
BahitsAgain ronaldo77
ZippyMorocco AlphaDawg I wasn’t thought of! LOL
Wait…..Cal has a football team? Since when did that happen lol
Good morning fam
Drob definitely did not care about a school’s recruiting prowess. From 247 Cal 2016 is ranked 31st and I think it was updated after his addition because he is listed as their only 5 star. They had 1 4 star, an all purpose back. The rest are either 3s or unranked.
He must really love the campus and distance.
ronaldo77 It has to be very minor, if at all, compared to what Ole Miss should get after the Tunsil reveal.
talk about a rough “tonsillectomy” ouch
ronaldo77 I’m not sure that there is any violation. The LSU violation with a financial aid signee was that they took advantage of the unlimited contact privilege and the kid went to Bama.
This might have been talked about before but what kind of recruiting violation do we need have since we spoke about DRob on Twitter?
Justin Shaffer was shocked at Georgia fans
This is worth your time to read
I want one
BahitsAgain There is no longer any benefit to changing his ranking. He is a 4-star for life now.