UGA Football Recruiting 06-APR-2016

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UGA Football Recruiting 06-APR-2016

Jhamon Ausbon - Class of 2017 - WR (photo Jhamon Ausbon / Twitter)
Jhamon Ausbon – Class of 2017 – WR
(photo Jhamon Ausbon / Twitter)


UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread


Today’s Featured Recruits



Jhamon Ausbon

Class of 2017 – WR

Transferred to IMG Academy, Bradenton, FL




Robert Hainsey

Class of 2017 – OG

IMG Academy, Bradenton, FL



Kellen Mond

Class of 2017 – Dual-threat QB

IMG Academy, Bradenton, FL




Cesar Ruiz

Class of 2017 – Center (FB)

IMG Academy, Bradenton, FL








updated as of 04-06-2016 at 08:30 PM ET








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The University of Georgia 1991-1994. Lanier Tech 2009-2012. Writer and graphic artist covering UGA athletics, college football, and recruiting. Peach cobbler fears me!

349 responses on “UGA Football Recruiting 06-APR-2016

  1. AlphaDawg

    Bulldawg Bob2 IYH_BI Broadcasting in 4K this year too. Glad America gets to see how beautiful our state is.

  2. Greg Poole

    IYH_BI  Yeah, he is probably going to stick with CKS for a while, but I agree. He is an up-and-comer.


    IYH_BI Bulldawg36 Me Too…  Back on NSD, once we had M. Carter, I was a happy camper.  He was the big one for me.  I never liked D. Browns film nearly as much as I like Carters.  Just my .02 cents.

  4. IYH_BI

    Bulldawg36 Heck of a young coach.  Give him 5+ years and he will probably be a defensive coordinator somewhere.

  5. IYH_BI

    Bulldawg36 I am really looking forward to Michail Carter coming on campus.  I truly believe he was the best defensive tackle prospect in the state of Georgia last year but he was overshadowed by Derrick Brown and Rochester.

  6. PTCDawg

    IYH_BI all in all I do not think there is another event in sports like the Masters. grounds are incredible, the food is cheap, the competition is world class, the practice rounds are awesome. every other event is about squeezing every nickel they can out of it. the  the Masters tradition is unmatched. lets tee it up!!

  7. Greg Poole

    BenKellam LF has really good email notification that allows you to click through to the comment from email if the widget is not working for you. Another tip is that you can scroll to the bottom of the comments in the widget – they are the oldest.

  8. ZippyMorocco

    Jesse1 ZippyMorocco Bulldawg Bob2 I remember that play like it was yesterday. I think part of his chest was attached to Herschel’s helmet.

  9. ZippyMorocco

    BenKellam That has happened to me. I think it is when new comments are loadiding at the same time.
     I scroll up and it starts working.

  10. Jesse1

    ZippyMorocco Jesse1 Bulldawg Bob2 Knowing a few months later, would be tacklers would be bouncing off them thighs like a tennis ball on concrete was quite comforting. Like when he knocked out Dan Benish, I mean scrapped off the field ( Mitch Hyatt’s uncle) Labor Day night on Tron Jackson’s 55 yard scamper ( unfortunately called back). Pre game Benish was babbling about having been dreaming of tackling the Great One, only to find the Great One might not play. Post Game Herschel was asked about Benish’s comment, Herschel just let out a little chuckle and said, ” At least I was able to make his dreams come true.”

  11. RealtorDawg (aka 10canpirate)

    ZippyMorocco Jesse1 Bulldawg Bob2 I was in high school and on a trip to Athens.  We stopped by the track meet.  I had the same view this camera did when Herschel rounded the corner during a 440 relay.  Thighs and neck coming at you…Wow.


    Jesse1 IYH_BI MMCSDAWG Duke’s is the KEY!  Same thing for the Egg Salad and Tuna Salad!


    Jesse1 MMCSDAWG Bulldawg Bob2 My first one was in 75′ as well!  Egg salad and Pimento cheese sandwiches were the norm!

  14. BenKellam

    Any tips on how to track new comments with the new layout? It seems like sometimes I click the new comment that pops up in the bottom corner and nothing happens.

  15. Jesse1

    MMCSDAWG Jesse1 Bulldawg Bob2 Gary Player 78′ Ray Floyd 76′, and Larry Mize in 87′ were very special to me as well. My first ones? Too young to remember, other than the food being almost like home.

  16. Jesse1

    IYH_BI MMCSDAWG Make your own with sharp cheddar cheese, Lindsey diced pimentos, and, this is key, Dukes Mayo Only. A pinch of red and black pepper and you have the original Cunningham family recipe. The one served from 1964 through 2011.

  17. Jesse1

    Greg Poole ZippyMorocco A humbling game. Like the inability to hit a grade B fast ball, my futility trying to develop a short game caused me to become a spectator, and beer Dawg.

  18. Jesse1

    Bulldawg Bob2 The rest of those dudes were so, small, Yet he was right there with them most of the time. Scary man, scary.

  19. Jesse1

    MMCSDAWG Jesse1 Bulldawg Bob2 16 is where I could be found historically. Back in the day, 16 was  pretty much a ” Locals Only” spot. Then someone coached me how  to pocket some tax free shekels, instead of going, to a place I’d been 100 times.

  20. Heath Holland

    Looks different around here! Almost like the old days lol my computer likes it better this way!

  21. IYH_BI

    MMCSDAWG IYH_BI I have my pimento cheese (all be it store bought from the Fresh Market) and pink lemonade ready and waiting for me when I get home and will be eating the same thing each day while sitting in front of the TV.