UGA Football Recruiting 12-APR-2016

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UGA Football Recruiting 12-APR-2016

Cam Akers edit by Bob Miller
edit by Bob Miller


UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread


Today’s Featured Recruits



Cam Akers

Classs of 2017 – RB

Clinton High School, MS



Robert Holt

Class of 2017 – Athlete

Monterey Trail HS, Elk Grove, CA



Juwuan Jones

Class of 2017 – LB

Lanier HS, Sugar Hill, GA



Zach Quinney

Class of 2017 – OL

Savannah Christian HS, Savannah, GA








updated as of 04-12-2016 at 02:00 AM ET











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The University of Georgia 1991-1994. Lanier Tech 2009-2012. Writer and graphic artist covering UGA athletics, college football, and recruiting. Peach cobbler fears me!

459 responses on “UGA Football Recruiting 12-APR-2016

  1. Greg Poole

    From the comments hitting our Twitter and Facebook accounts, it appears that the police are going to be the source of many fans’ outrage over this incident.

  2. AlphaDawg

    Greg Poole AlphaDawg Question: If I have a gun permit, and it’s in my vehicle while my vehicle is parked let’s say in a parking deck on campus, would that be a felony charge? Or does the permit negate that.

  3. Greg Poole

    Bulldawg Bob2 Of course, UGA might be able to add the retail price of a fancy Glock to the full cost of attendance calculation. There are pluses and minuses with everything.

  4. AlphaDawg

    Bulldawg Bob2 Greg Poole alcohol , explosive hormones, and Superiority complex do not mix well with firearms

  5. Bulldawg Bob2

    dsw61 Greg Poole Found the article on UGA President Moorehead speaking on HB 895:

  6. Greg Poole

    Bulldawg Bob2 Which is more likely? 
    A. Student saves classmates and herself from rampaging gunman on campus.
    B. Student shoots bestie while showing off her quick draw outside Athens bar.

  7. Bulldawg Bob2

    dsw61 Correct on the permit, and I have mixed emotions about the law, especially on a college campus. On the one hand, it could deter a crazy gunman bent on doing harm, but on the other hand, there is the possibility of a student who over reacts to a situation and uses deadly force when they should not have.

    The law becomes effective July 1st if it is not vetoed by the Governor.

  8. Greg Poole

    Jail records are still showing them as locked up, but I do not know how frequently those records are updates.

  9. dsw61

    Bulldawg Bob2 dsw61 I’m not sure how I feel about the guns on campus law. I know my daughter has expressed some uneasiness about it. My understanding is that you have to have some type of carry permit to be legal…which I would imagine requires a serious background check.

  10. Greg Poole

    dsw61 I was reported for shooting street lights out with a bb gun when I was about 12. My dad had to pay for the bulbs and I got a painful butt.

  11. Bulldawg Bob2

    dsw61 I’m guilty as charged here. I was terror in the local woods with my Red Ryder BB gun and then later my Crosman pellet rifle as a wee lad. I got pretty good and pegging the “O” in the STOP sign at the intersection of the dirt road where I grew up.

  12. dsw61

    Greg Poole DawgDaddy Agree it was stupid. I don’t understand where some of these kid’s heads are at. Some of them make really poor decisions.

  13. Bulldawg Bob2

    DawgDaddy Better. She has good days and bad days. Working on getting her appetite back and energy level back. Thanks for asking

  14. Score Check

    When I was a kid I wanted a Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle for Christmas.  I was told: “I would shoot my eye out kid” and couldn’t have one.  Fortunately my father relented and surprised me with one on Christmas morning.

  15. Bulldawg Bob2

    dsw61 I agree, and I suspect it most likely will be reduced. Let’s hope the prosecutor nor the school president are not wanting to make an example here of Clay and Rochester. 

    President Moorehead is not a fan of guns on campus and is an outspoken opponent of the law just passed but not yet signed to legalize to carry guns on campuses, HB895.

  16. dsw61

    Bulldawg Bob2 dsw61 Just hope the people handling this use some common sense and don’t potentially wreck a kid’s life because he shot a BB gun at a street sign. I wonder how many people on here over the age of 50 have ever shot a BB gun at something other than an official target:)

  17. DawgDaddy

    Greg Poole just saw a report on Fox 5 News, I would think this to be on par with a scooter violation except for the fact of the campus violence that has become all too common now.  I am hoping for a fine,  community service and stadium steps will be punishment enough.  I certainly hope they are note actually charged with a felony.

  18. dsw61

    Bulldawg Bob2 dsw61 IMO, this needs to be reduced to a misdemeanor. More for damaging public property…which I don’t like…than having a BB gun. What about baseball bats? I can cause all kinds of damage with a baseball bat…and worse.

  19. Bulldawg Bob2

    dsw61 The law is stricter for a school campus or school zone though DSW, and the Georgia law states: 

    “Weapon” means and includes any pistol, revolver, or any weapon designed or intended to propel a missile of any kind”

    And a student can get suspended from high school for carrying a metal nail file now-a-days.

  20. Greg Poole

    Here is the official release:
    University of Georgia freshmen Julian Rochester and Chad Clay
    were arrested Monday night on charges related to possession of a BB gun and
    property damage.

    “I’m disappointed with the poor judgment of Julian and Chad,” said UGA head
    coach Kirby Smart.  “We expect full compliance with the policies of the
    University and of our football program from all our student-athletes.
    Information is still being gathered but they will be disciplined in an
    appropriate manner.”

  21. dsw61

    A BB Gun does not use an explosive to expel a projectile…it uses air. I got a BB for my 10th birthday. Regardless, we now live in a hyper sensitive culture where a clear plastic water pistol would likely get you suspended from HS if found in your back pack or car.

  22. dsw61

    “The term ‘firearm’ is defined in the Gun Control Act of 1968, 18 U.S.C. Section 921 (a) (3), to include ‘(A) any weapon (including a starter gun), which will, or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; (B) the frame or receiver of any such weapon…’ Based on Section 921 (a) (3), air guns, because they use compressed air and not an explosive to expel a projectile, do not constitute firearms under Federal law – unless they are manufactured with the frames or receivers of an actual firearm. Accordingly, the domestic sale and possession of air guns is normally unregulated under the Federal firearms laws enforced by ATF.”

  23. Greg Poole

    Bulldawg Bob2 I still have my squirrel destroyer pellet rifle that saw extensive action when we had to defend our lakehouse from the invading hordes of rodents. However,  I’m afraid that my neighbors in Athens would react much the same as those of our fun-loving football players.

  24. AlphaDawg

    Bulldawg Bob2 While it would be nice for the officer to apply common sense to the matter, he has a job to do and unfortunately, BB guns are considered weapons. Sometimes I just wish things were like old times where officers didn’t want to see you arrested and instead think things through before putting a felony charge on someone’s record.