UGA Football Recruiting 12-APR-2016

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UGA Football Recruiting 12-APR-2016

Cam Akers edit by Bob Miller
edit by Bob Miller


UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread


Today’s Featured Recruits



Cam Akers

Classs of 2017 – RB

Clinton High School, MS



Robert Holt

Class of 2017 – Athlete

Monterey Trail HS, Elk Grove, CA



Juwuan Jones

Class of 2017 – LB

Lanier HS, Sugar Hill, GA



Zach Quinney

Class of 2017 – OL

Savannah Christian HS, Savannah, GA








updated as of 04-12-2016 at 02:00 AM ET











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The University of Georgia 1991-1994. Lanier Tech 2009-2012. Writer and graphic artist covering UGA athletics, college football, and recruiting. Peach cobbler fears me!

459 responses on “UGA Football Recruiting 12-APR-2016

  1. BahitsDawg

    AlphaDawg BahitsDawg Bulldawg Bob2 I wrote my own to work with Burnzone for tweeter, but I don’t want to use someone else to get around our firewall.  I am sensitive to the security involved.

    I will try to figure out what is blocking the images and see if I can make a selective tool for viewing the images.  It is fun in a nerdy sort of way.  lol

  2. Bulldawg Bob2

    AlphaDawg Murray commented on the podcast that he had talked to someone that stated that Ramsey had a 40 something yard TD run in Georgia’s second scrimmage, and that Eason had a 50 something yarder. Unfortunately, there is no way for us to confirm that.


    BahitsDawg Bulldawg Bob2 AlphaDawg When were you @ Georgia Southern??   That sounds a little like me…  I graduated from Riverdale and when to southern in 1981 and was there for couple of years before transferring!  We used to go down and hunt in Ludowici!

  4. Bulldawg Bob2

    BahitsDawg AlphaDawg I ended up becoming good friends with a guy that lived off of Hwy 15 to Greensboro, Ga, and he held onto my 30-30 and my compound bow while I lived at Russell Hall at UGA. We used to go deer hunting a good bit. Used to be some good hunting down that way.

  5. AlphaDawg

    Greg Poole interesting. I felt like his commitment was being overshadowed by these arrests.

  6. Jesse1

    MidtownTeacher We used to go to the playground to shoot cans precisely because there was a whole lot of space. Same with hitting golf balls. ” Go over to the school playground. I’m not replacing any more windows.” Heard in my parents house and the homes of many of my friends.

  7. Greg Poole

    Interestingly, Bob’s story on the PWO lineman is drawing more traffic that the arrests at the moment. Are UGA fan’s numb to arrests.

  8. BahitsDawg

    AlphaDawg Ramsey is a true athlete in every sense of the word.   I wish he could get the leadership and focus down to have won the job last year.

  9. BahitsDawg

    Bulldawg Bob2 BahitsDawg AlphaDawg My roommate at Georgia Souther COLLEGE brought his various hunting rifles from time to time.  He would hide them under the bed.   He lived in riverdale and his Granddad had hunting land in Savannah.  So, come hunting season, he didn’t want to leave them in the truck.

    The guy was one of the coolest people I have ever known.  He transferred to UGA with his girlfriend and likely was a valedictorian…. I am sure he continued the practice of arms transportation after getting to Athens.

  10. AlphaDawg

    Kirby mentioning Ramsey has used his legs in situations. ‘that’s what makes him different’

  11. AlphaDawg

    Greg Poole BahitsDawg I believe it’s the twitter embeds he isn’t capable of seeing.  Twitter is probably blocked.

  12. Greg Poole

    BahitsDawg We would be glad to correspond with your boss on your behalf concerning censorship of our content.

  13. Bulldawg Bob2

    BahitsDawg AlphaDawg It would still be a violation under the newe law if and when it comes into effect this summer unless they had a permit to carry.

    And yes. I suspect they knew they were not supposed to have them on campus or in their dorm room.

    When I went to UGA in 1991 and lived in Russell Hall, they tell you in orientation that you cannot have any type of gun, including an air gun or bow and arrows nor crossbows. Back then, I think it was just school policy and not against the law, but I am not 100% sure. Knifes over a certain length were banned as well. There was a guy on my floor that got kicked out fall quarter for having a k-bar knife.

  14. BahitsDawg

    Greg Poole dsw61 too many people don’t see a difference with someone with a BB gun or Airsoft vs. someone with an AR-15 vs. an AK-47.

    They see something that looks scary to them and they panic.

  15. AlphaDawg

    BahitsDawg Bulldawg Bob2 Can you use a proxy to access this site? or do they block that too?

  16. BahitsDawg

    Bulldawg Bob2 I hate the firewall where I am.   I see ZERO posted pictures so I loose the context of a lot of posts.  It is frustrating.

  17. AlphaDawg

    Greg Poole BahitsDawg MidtownTeacher my grandfather showed me the BB that was buried in his palm because he was a kid too scared to tell his dad he shot his hand with a BB gun

  18. Reddawg13

    BB gun be damned! Now this. I believe a large percentage of coaches have a desire to be coordinators and also head coaches. I also believe that some of those coaches have the “it” factor to do just that. I believe Kirby has that “it” factor. But, I will go further and say I truly believe Kirby also observed, studied, learned and soaked up everything he could to prepare him for this moment. I may completely wrong but I believe we have hired us a winner! What say you?

  19. BahitsDawg

    Bulldawg Bob2 AlphaDawg I wonder if they even knew that having a BB gun was against the stupid scardy cat rules.

    btw, would this be a violation if Raw Deal finally signs the campus carry law?

  20. Greg Poole

    BahitsDawg MidtownTeacher Remind me to tell the story about shooting myself in the nose with a CO2 powered BB gun as a kid.

  21. Greg Poole

    Bulldawg Bob2 That has always been the case, Bob. The problem for the cops is that they were more-than-likely reported, rather than a cop just observing the target practice. If the citizen who reported them later complained publicly that a cop just turned them over to Kirby, there would be big problems for the officer.

  22. Bulldawg Bob2

    Reddawg13 Unfortunately, under the current law neither ACCPD nor UGAPD are allowed to just confiscate the guns and send them on their merry way with a slap on the wrist.

    If they did, those LE officials would probably lose their jobs.

  23. MidtownTeacher

    i may be the most liberal person on this board and i think shooting a bb gun being considered a felony is asinine. though if done in situations you dont like it is called judicial activism, i think this is a perfect example of why human subjectivity in the judicial branch is as important as statutes. technically these young men fit the definition of using a firearm, but come on, ive shot people in the butt with one when i was a kid. i wouldn’t do that with a real “firearm”. Rochester and clay are country boys and i would prefer them have abb gun than alcohol

  24. Bulldawg Bob2

    AlphaDawg I would not want be in Clay’s or Rochester’s shoes with this Georgia staff. There going to be a lot of running and what we call arse chewing from now till the cows come home and then some.

  25. Reddawg13

    Greg Poole Did Clay and Rochester make a mistake? Yes! Is it a horrific mistake? No! Did ACCPD do their job? Yes! Is there more than one way to do that job? Yes! Why not confiscate the gun and tell those boys, “if I ever catch either of you doing anything else while you are UGA it will not go well for you!” Then file a report and let Coach Smart know what happened. Our company has standards and policies too, but common sense also applies! JMHO!

  26. AlphaDawg

    Bulldawg Bob2 Got to think Kirby is texting ole Nick to say, can you believe this? LOL the things our players could do in Tuscaloosa!!

  27. Greg Poole

    Bulldawg Bob2 Bedazzling is still a thang? How about cowgirl boots? If so, a sewn-in holster would be cute.