UGA Football Recruiting 12-APR-2016

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UGA Football Recruiting 12-APR-2016

Cam Akers edit by Bob Miller
edit by Bob Miller


UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread


Today’s Featured Recruits



Cam Akers

Classs of 2017 – RB

Clinton High School, MS



Robert Holt

Class of 2017 – Athlete

Monterey Trail HS, Elk Grove, CA



Juwuan Jones

Class of 2017 – LB

Lanier HS, Sugar Hill, GA



Zach Quinney

Class of 2017 – OL

Savannah Christian HS, Savannah, GA








updated as of 04-12-2016 at 02:00 AM ET











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The University of Georgia 1991-1994. Lanier Tech 2009-2012. Writer and graphic artist covering UGA athletics, college football, and recruiting. Peach cobbler fears me!

459 responses on “UGA Football Recruiting 12-APR-2016

  1. Bansai buckeroo

    Im afraid Top I have about as much interest in this as I do the DRob commitment…..none

  2. Greg Poole

    BenKellam He had a verbal confrontation with one or more coaches over the amount of PT he was getting.

  3. Greg Poole

    For all of you dying for info on the shootout at the OK apartments: The incident took place at approx. 3PM Thursday. After a through investing the gunmen were charged


    Details on the incident this morning in the dorms…  looks like they weren’t shooting at solo cups after all and they found what “appeared” to be drug related objects in Clay’s bathroom.  I don’t believe this incident is worthy of a Felony charge, but it’s more serious and more reckless that we may have thought initially.   It will be interesting to see how this is handled by CKS and UGA.    Guess these kids just didn’t listen to Herschel on Saturday before the scrimmage.

  5. Score Check

    Jesse1 MMCSDAWG RumRunnerDoogie
    clem (abbreviated lower case intented  aka the university of clem)

  6. Jesse1

    Bulldawg36 But if they must, fire it in my direction. I won’t call the police, cause I’ll be shooting back. Great fun with BB guns 😉

  7. Jesse1

    rugbydawg79 RumRunnerDoogie Jesse1 MMCSDAWG They still try and claim we were lucky. Until I show em the stats, and prove that other than 2 pass plays in the 1st quarter from Rick McIvor to Bill Boy Bryant, Texas managed an eye popping 62 yards total offense. Texas was overrated. All those boys who went on to Sunday ball, only Jerry Gray was worth a second look. We sent half as many to the NFL. But out guys stuck around long enough to garner an NFL pension. We were as big,faster, and flat out meaner and tougher than Texas.

  8. rugbydawg79

    RumRunnerDoogie rugbydawg79 Jesse1 MMCSDAWG Had tried to say It is always 10 to 9 in Texas

  9. Bulldawg Bob2

    CLTDawg Greg Poole I don’t think we really know what the depth charts will be till part of the way through fall camp, and then at some spots, might not know till a few days before the kickoff versus UNC.

    Clay was supposedly playing and practicing well this spring, but I am not sure if he would have cracked the two deep at DB.

  10. AlphaDawg

    CLTDawg Greg Poole Bulldawg Bob2 Didn’t expect him to see the field this season. That doesn’t change my thoughts on a silly situation (facts currently presented to public) that could have been handled without an arrest. Luckily, him missing any playing time will not change much. For Rochester, I thought he was in the 2 Deep for DL. For his sake, he better hope Carter or Clark don’t ball out in the summer and get some playing time on the first game or he’s going to be fighting to gain why you EE.

  11. Jesse1

    CLTDawg AlphaDawg With predictions of 75 degrees I’m not worried. And as an aside, try booking a hotel/motel room in Athens or around for under $300. Booked solid. This Saturday is going to be a Red & Black kinda day we will look back on in a few years as the beginning. Of a new era. I always believed Kirbs would coach at a high level. Figured he would be set in place when we needed him. And one thing you can rest well knowing: we won’t be arriving in Jville wondering why we’re there. I never felt CMR took the UF game as seriously as he should have. And I felt CVD didn’t take beating his alma mater as seriously as Pat Dye did whipping us. And it showed.

  12. Jesse1

    MMCSDAWG Jesse1 RumRunnerDoogie Cotton Bowl 84′ was in spite of almost freezing to death a most excellent day. Before the game, the Texas folks around us thought they were going to have a fun day at our expense. Ya’ll came all the way from Augusta to se this? Ain’t gonna be no game. We beat Oklahoma this year.” Daddy told a bunch of em parked around us, surrounding us actually, “Fellow, at or about 4;00 today you are going to ask yourself, why in Hells bells did we invite these Georgia crackers out here? Ya’ll have a  defense? Hold on there young fellow, we play a little defense too. Truth is, we’re tougher than ya’ll. And that will be plenty enough to wipe a cows a double s and drag it through the fire.” We waited for an hour after the game for those boys to come back to their car. Probably were waiting for us to leave, cause as Greg will vouch, when it came to UGA ( and anything Georgia minus Tech) one of the last folks you wanted to run down Georgia in the presence of was my Dad. He was likely to take it personal. And was pretty fast to be 300+.

  13. CLTDawg

    AlphaDawg Yikes. This could turn out to be a pretty bad PR week for Kirby & Co. A lot in terms of perception is riding on getting that 93K number now.

  14. CLTDawg

    With Briscoe and Parish being good – but probably not good enough to leave early – with Mecole coming this year, and by all indications a fantastic 2017 class for defensive backs coming next year, did anybody think prior to today that Chad Clay was going to see much action on defense? Does today change your opinion (rumors that he’s acted up already since arriving in January, and today might be the last straw). Curious to hear everyone’s thoughts. Especially our more tied in folks. Greg Poole Bulldawg Bob2

  15. Bulldawg36

    Commit to the G and win a championship!!!!! Don’t shoot a BB gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. RumRunnerDoogie

    Jesse1 RumRunnerDoogie i live in FL…that wouldnt take long. my running from cops days are over..i hope lol

  17. Jesse1

    MMCSDAWG Jesse1 RumRunnerDoogie Any orange will do. Barn, clemson( lower case intentional), and the former football powerhouse known as Texas. What time is it in Texas? 10 to 9 orangehead. Eat steer for 40 years.

  18. Jesse1

    RumRunnerDoogie Kicking the first human unit you see wearing orange will cause the edema to go down.

  19. Jesse1

    Bulldawg Bob2 Jesse1 ronaldo77 Score Check Bob, we were lucky to have grown up in the South before civilization arrived. Kids I grew up with, we never knew, or gave second thoughts to improving our aim at the expense of an old beer or Coke can.Neither did anyone else.

  20. Bulldawg Bob2

    Jesse1 Bingo. Once there was third party involved that called and reported the incident, the police officers that were called out couldn’t just confiscate the bb/pellet gun and give Clay and Rochester a warning.

    If they had done that, they would have lost there jobs more than likely.

    ronaldo77 Score Check Don’t get me wrong. I find the “no tolerance” laws lacking much common sense, but I understand why they came to be after incidents like Columbine, Virgina Tech, ect.

    What one could get away with as boys being boys having fun with a bb/pellet gun 20 to 30 years ago and on back isn’t looked at in the same way in today’s sensitive climate.

    Hopefully and I expect the charges to be reduced to a misdemeanor, but we will have to wait and see.

  21. Jesse1

    Greg Poole MMCSDAWG Catchphrase of the young bruisers: “Pain! Coming at ya. All day sucka. Shoulda brung your tail UGA.”

  22. Jesse1

    Greg Poole ronaldo77 Not to say 2nd chances won’t be given, but some players are better off elsewhere.

  23. Jesse1

    PTCDawg Another dude with a whole lotta upside. 6’7 nearly 320, KB should be planting  folks when he gets in the game. He’s going to be fresh. As UGA returns to being a great offensive lineman school, the win/loss record will, I believe, reflect the emphasis placed on the performance of the big uglies.

  24. Greg Poole

    ronaldo77  Since he was dismissed for what could be called insubordination, I doubt the current staff would be interested.

  25. Jesse1

    Bulldawg Bob2 And with body cameras and other video rolling, even if the officer wanted to deep six the incident, he can’t anymore.

  26. PTCDawg

    Hear a lot about baker who is same class. Just haven’t heard of him as even one of the top eight guys. Glad to hear he is still on track.

  27. Jesse1

    Bansai buckeroo My only problem with CNS? 9-27-2008, and 10-3-2015. Back on 10-2-2004 I really liked him ;-).

  28. Bulldawg Bob2

    The ACCPD did not over react. They are just doing their jobs. The law is the problem. If someone calls 911 and says there are two individuals shooting guns on or near campus, what do you expect the police to do?

  29. Jesse1

    Bulldawg Bob2 But wow. Look at the tools Big Pat has working for him. 6’5, and the wingspan of a 747. And the rumor is he has a bit of a mean streak.