UGA Football Recruiting 12-APR-2016

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UGA Football Recruiting 12-APR-2016

Cam Akers edit by Bob Miller
edit by Bob Miller


UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread


Today’s Featured Recruits



Cam Akers

Classs of 2017 – RB

Clinton High School, MS



Robert Holt

Class of 2017 – Athlete

Monterey Trail HS, Elk Grove, CA



Juwuan Jones

Class of 2017 – LB

Lanier HS, Sugar Hill, GA



Zach Quinney

Class of 2017 – OL

Savannah Christian HS, Savannah, GA








updated as of 04-12-2016 at 02:00 AM ET











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The University of Georgia 1991-1994. Lanier Tech 2009-2012. Writer and graphic artist covering UGA athletics, college football, and recruiting. Peach cobbler fears me!

459 responses on “UGA Football Recruiting 12-APR-2016

  1. Greg Poole

    RumRunnerDoogie  Every school will fill every scholarship allowed by NCAA every year. Who is hurt? No one is left out because every slot is taken. The ESPN statement only makes sense if one starts with the assumption that the wrong schools are getting the players.

  2. PTCDawg

    CLTDawg PTCDawg Exceedingly useful observations, thank you! At the top of her list at the moment is Emory, she was very happy with her visit there…William and Mary was probably second and Georgia third…her best offer was Alabama but she just does not want to be in Tuscaloosa for some unknown reason…tho their law school is very well respected. She is waiting to hear back from Vanderbilt on the scholarship offer. She has not been there but their employment numbers are very impressive. Hopefully it would not be a place she would be unhappy if she was able to go.

  3. RumRunnerDoogie

    ESPN says banning satellite camps hurts recruits….well last i heard IMG wasnt hurting on exposure…morons

  4. CLTDawg

    PTCDawg CLTDawg Hmm…tough call, because it depends. In general, rankings (however flawed they may be in their calculation) are a good tiebreaker because many law firms use them when making interviewing/hiring decisions. 

    In general, most students’ ideas about what “area” of the law they want to specialize in will change while they are in law school. It’s usually not a good way to choose a school, because what if your interests change? Also, and with very few exceptions, law schools offering some sort of specialty is usually just a bunch of marketing. Some exceptions are Vermont with environmental law, Tulane with maritime law, Chicago for law and economics, or NYU for Tax. 

    So I would advise that ranking is probably a more useful decision making tool than a school’s specialty. That said, the most important things to me are:

    1. Location in relation to the job market you want (Don’t go to Seattle School of Law if you want to work in Augusta, Ga., for instance). Some schools have a national footprint though, so this matters less for them.

    2. Employment statistics for the school. 

    3. Whether you’re comfortable being there. Whenever I’ve hosted visiting law students, I tell them that when I was on my visits, one of the things I’d look at is the overall environment in the building. Are people generally happy? Is there conversation or laughter? Are people in groups? Some law schools have great environments. Some have more forlorn environments. It’s a product of the curved grading system, the competitiveness between the students, and the rigor of the degree. 

    Hope this helps! It’s your daughter who’s looking, right? Has she narrowed it down at all?

  5. PTCDawg

    CLTDawg PTCDawg Will give it a try, thanks CLT!
    BTW, your opinion CLT…would you be more likely to choose a law school based on their national ranking or based on what kind of law they tend to be know for?

  6. CLTDawg

    PTCDawg CLTDawg Lol! If you have your email and password that you use for your cable/satellite provider, that should be all you need!

  7. PTCDawg

    Dang. I thought GDay was on ESPN2, which I DO get. It is on ESPNU, which I DONT get. Thanks to whoever posted this info earlier so I can now plan ahead. Ratz!!!

  8. CLTDawg

    UGA Football Snapchat had some of the 1 on 1 circle drills today. Reggie Davis and Juwuan Briscoe got after it!

  9. Reddawg13

    MMCSDAWG This staff gets Ramsey’s head on right and we see the Ramsey we have been waiting on, you heard it here!

  10. Jesse1

    Farewell and good Dawg bites until later on. Happy hour at the French Market Grille beckons. And since I rarely have a reliable chauffeur, have to make it count. Some gumbo, followed with marinated shrimp, and a plate of crawfish etouffee’ beckons. If it ain’t Red & Black, it ain’t!

  11. Bulldawg Bob2

    BenKellam MMCSDAWG OH. Aye. Don’t disagree, but just saying, it didn’t look good given the whole situation.

  12. BenKellam

    MMCSDAWG Jesse1 Bulldawg36 Can they not go wherever they want if they are dismissedfrom a school?

  13. BenKellam

    Bulldawg36 There hasn’t really been anything shocking in recent memory. The worst i can remember is Jon Taylors agravated assault. And he wound up at Auburn. The rest is nonsense like signatures. Oh and Ogletree stole a moped helmet his freshman year.

  14. BroDawg

    MMCSDAWG BroDawg All good here.. Gonna take my youngin the GDay game it looks like… He is just getting at the age where he loves the game

  15. Bulldawg36

    Seems like ours is always for petty stuff though. Maybe I just don’t pay attention to other schools

  16. BenKellam

    MMCSDAWG BenKellam Bulldawg Bob2 This is true. According to that police report, they found a bong, bag of weed shake, blunt wrappers, and a grinder but didn’t find enough of any residue to charge. I wonder how Kirby is going to treat that. Richt would have probably suspended them both 2 games to start the season on top of whatever suspension comes from the actual arrest.


    BenKellam Bulldawg Bob2 MMCSDAWG Agreed, but two wrongs don’t make a right…   they weren’t charged with anything alcohol or drug related, that is a minor miracle in itself compared to times past…

  18. Bulldawg36

    It is what it is… Just a mistake made. They will hopefully learn their lesson and concentrate on academics and football for here on out or end up at auburn.

  19. BenKellam

    Bulldawg Bob2 BenKellam MMCSDAWG The bottles are really no different than every other student on campus.

  20. Jesse1

    Bulldawg36 New sheriff in town. A bit more flexibility with regard to these matters perhaps?

  21. Bulldawg36

    We are always facing adversity when it comes to players getting suspended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    BroDawg Nothing much!  Looking forward to G-day and hopefully some new commits in the near future! how about you?

  23. Bulldawg Bob2

    BenKellam MMCSDAWG I don’t think they found enough to charge them with anything drug related, but it just doesn’t look good given everything else. They also found wine and beer bottles, and while having the bottles is not a crime, that also didn’t look good since Clay and Rochester are under 21.

  24. Jesse1

    rugbydawg79 Jesse1 RumRunnerDoogie MMCSDAWG That would be Tony DeGrate. Or maybe that middle  linebacker Jeff Leiding who was one of the first 1st round draft picks ever to be cut before September. Dawgs kicked their tail.

  25. BenKellam

    Jesse1 BenKellam MMCSDAWG You can say the same about white tube socks and shoelaces. There’s a reason that those items are kept in a glass case right by the register at sketchy gas stations. Point is, basically anything can be “paraphernalia” if you want to spin it that way.

  26. Jesse1

    MMCSDAWG Greg Poole BenKellam I would have counter sued. And since I’ve got not only the time but the inclination to do so, he’d tear up his brats driving permit.

  27. rugbydawg79

    Jesse1 rugbydawg79 RumRunnerDoogie MMCSDAWG I had buddies at the game and they confirmed what you said Texas was talking all kinds of trash -and one their DL was talking smack to Lastinger – made it so sweet when he scored


    Jesse1 BenKellam MMCSDAWG I have a Grinder for “herbs” at my house as well!  lol  Nothing like some fresh Rosemary and Thyme.


    Greg Poole BenKellam MMCSDAWG Don’t I know that…  My knucklehead son and a couple of buddies decided to do donuts in his HS parking lot.   You don’t want to know how much they charged us for repairs to the freaking parking lot and there was one parent that claimed damages to his son’s car from some gravel that was thrown during the incident.

  30. BenKellam

    MMCSDAWG Also 650 bucks for a couple of BB dents in a fridge and 350 for a wooden door? lol no way

  31. BenKellam

    MMCSDAWG If they found “drug related items” in the bathroom but didn’t charge him for anything, I doubt they found anything real.