UGA Football Recruiting 24-APR-2016

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UGA Football Recruiting 24-APR-2016

Willie Langham Class of 2017 - WR McAdory High School, McCalla, AL (photo of Willie Langham a Youtube screen capture)
Willie Langham – Class of 2017 – WR
McAdory High School, McCalla, AL
(photo of Willie Langham a Youtube screen capture)


UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread


Today’s Featured Recruits



Dakota Chapman

Class of 2017 – LB

McAdory HS, McCalla, AL



Willie Langham

Class of 2017 – WR

McAdory High School, McCalla, AL



Joseph Lewis

Class of 2017 – WR

Hawkins HS, Los Angeles, CA



Devyn Ford

Class of 2019 – Athlete

North Stafford HS, Stafford , VA



Nike Football’s
– The Opening Regionals –
Washington DC 2016
– FINAL 5 –




updated as of 04-24-2016 at 02:30 PM ET








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The University of Georgia 1991-1994. Lanier Tech 2009-2012. Writer and graphic artist covering UGA athletics, college football, and recruiting. Peach cobbler fears me!

162 responses on “UGA Football Recruiting 24-APR-2016

  1. CLTDawg

    Bulldawg Bob2 Studying for my last law school final ever…which feels miserable and great at the same time, lol.

  2. Bulldawg Bob2

    OK. I have talked with several Georgia LE officers this morning, 1 Gainesville city, 2 ACCPD, 2 from Hall County, and 1 from GA State Patrol, as well as checked the GA law on driver’s license.

    If you move to Georgia from another state, you have 30 days to apply for and get a valid GA Driver’s license. You cannot legally drive on an out-of-state license after you have lived in Georgia for more than 30 days. To do so, if you get stopped, you can be charged and ticketed with a misdemeanor, arrested and go to jail.

    Personally, I think the law needs to be changed for out-of-state college students, but this is a source of revenue for the DMV; so, I don’t see that happening.

    I asked if they would have just given Briscoe a ticket and not arrested him, and they said it depended on the circumstance, and how long they had been driving on the invalid out-of-state license; but, all 6 said they would have arrested Briscoe due to the  fact that in over 90 days. All of the LE officials also said if you did let an individual go and they got in a wreck and hurt or killed someone before they got a valid GA driver’s license, then the officer could be held liable and their job would be in jeopardy

  3. Bulldawg Bob2

    RobDawg  Don’t know, but I did check with a couple of officers that I go to church with; and they said, if you get stopped and don’t have a valid driver’s license, it is a misdemeanor charge/ticket, arrest and trip to jail in the state of Georgia.

  4. RobDawg

    Man after my own heart. I once officiated at a state youth league swim meet at GT natatorium and had to be on deck all day and you know I wore red shorts, white G game day polo, and red and black sandals loud and proud. Some guy told me I had some nerve wearing that and I just smiled…

  5. websater

    CLTDawg Colonial Dawg looks like he had a maryland drivers license, not a GA one. this whole thing stinks.

  6. CLTDawg

    Colonial Dawg From what I’ve heard, it’s the first situation. He doesn’t have a license at all. And I agree, it’s a bit much. Give a big ole fine. Have him do community service or whatever…but booking him and putting him in jail? Cheese and rice!

  7. CLTDawg

    Jay212033 Ever since the “party school” crack down a few years back, I can’t even begin to count the number of good kids, with bright futures who have a criminal record that they wouldn’t otherwise have for the same behavior at other schools. DUI, serious drug offenses, etc…yes, throw the books at them…but underage drinking, small possession charges, something like Briscoe’s? Give them a fine, a citation…but not jail time and a permanent mark on their records.

  8. Colonial Dawg

    One thing I didn’t know was whether Briscoe just didn’t have a license and drove anyway or whether he just didn’t have his license on his person and (OMG!) didn’t buckle his seatbelt.   Either way, ARRESTED????   You have go to be kidding me!

  9. 1mandawgpack

    Bansai buckeroo  I made a comment on here a few weeks ago (after Ledbetter got arrested for having a fake ID) that the various law enforcement agencies in and around Athens seem to take great pride in arresting athletes and was berated a bit for it.  I stand by my statement as the above incident seems to help once again prove my point.  I know that the men and women in blue have a difficult and often times thankless job, particularly in a city like Athens where a large number of residents are university students who do stupid things at times (I know I did while I was there).  I don’t have a problem with arrests for DUI, domestic violence, etc. given the potential for harming others.  However, the above incident (and the Ledbetter incident) should have resulted in the issuance of citations and nothing more.  I don’t see any need or justification for an arrest in either situation, unless there’s more facts involving the matters that haven’t been released (e.g., verbal or physical provocation of an officer, etc.).


    Simply ridiculous. This happens no where else in college football. The rivalry between law enforcement and uga has to end. It almost borders on discrimination and definitely harassment. One of our prominent attorneys should look into these types of cases. I would like to see comparisons to other jurisdictions and is there a bias when football player involved. 9 out of 10 regular people get cited and released at the scene. No arrest 99.9% of the time. I personally support law enforcement and don’t like the negative light in which recent affairs nationally have effected them and the public opinions of Leo.

  11. DawgLink

    Head coach made a poor choice in pulling Chelsea on Friday night. Brittany Gray did not heve great control. It cost a much needed win. Now yesterday was a complete different story. We were never in that game.

  12. DawgByte

    Bansai buckeroo Way over the top. If I was Smart Briscoe would run stairs for not having a license and that’s it.

  13. DawgByte

    Greg Poole Excellent, more turmoil in their program. I don’t want to see these guys become resurgent.

  14. Bansai buckeroo

    I have never heard of anyone getting arrested for not wearing a seatbelt and not having your drivers license…..ticket…yes. Arrest is over the top imo..

  15. DawgByte

    Bulldawg Bob2 I heard Bruce likes hanging out roadside bathrooms in the state of North Carolina!

  16. DawgByte

    Good morning lads!

    Somebody needs to put a leash on the Clarke County Police. Arresting Briscoe for not wearing a seat belt and driving without a license. Really?!!! I realize it’s against the law to drive without a license, but they most likely pulled him over, because they noticed he wasn’t wearing a seat belt. Tell me they don’t have better things to do!!! Ridunkulous.

  17. Jay212033

    This could be why kids may not want to come to UGA! Definitely a deterrent for parents wanting to send their child from out of state smh! Just ridiculous!

  18. Score Check

    Greg Poole
    MusChump is just one “late hit out of bounds” call from a major stroke.

  19. Hobnailboot aka RobG

    Blakedawg01  that’s even worse IMO, it will  likely get dismissed, assuming his license is valid