UGA Football Recruiting 24-APR-2016

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UGA Football Recruiting 24-APR-2016

Willie Langham Class of 2017 - WR McAdory High School, McCalla, AL (photo of Willie Langham a Youtube screen capture)
Willie Langham – Class of 2017 – WR
McAdory High School, McCalla, AL
(photo of Willie Langham a Youtube screen capture)


UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread


Today’s Featured Recruits



Dakota Chapman

Class of 2017 – LB

McAdory HS, McCalla, AL



Willie Langham

Class of 2017 – WR

McAdory High School, McCalla, AL



Joseph Lewis

Class of 2017 – WR

Hawkins HS, Los Angeles, CA



Devyn Ford

Class of 2019 – Athlete

North Stafford HS, Stafford , VA



Nike Football’s
– The Opening Regionals –
Washington DC 2016
– FINAL 5 –




updated as of 04-24-2016 at 02:30 PM ET








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The University of Georgia 1991-1994. Lanier Tech 2009-2012. Writer and graphic artist covering UGA athletics, college football, and recruiting. Peach cobbler fears me!

162 responses on “UGA Football Recruiting 24-APR-2016

  1. Greg Poole

    Brooklyndawg In my younger days visiting here we spent some time in Morgantown. Our route is to come north through WV rather than I81. There is not much difference in mileage but WV is a much less stressful drive.

  2. Brooklyndawg

    Greg Poole Brooklyndawg I just looked you up, you ARE just a stone’s throw from the WV border. You could easily sneak across the border, get you some home made spirits. Not terribly far from Morgantown either.

  3. Brooklyndawg

    Hobnailboot aka RobG Bulldawg Bob2 Who knows, i had heard that the date was later in May. Beyond caring, ‘ya know? The other thing is, with what’s done down so far, would CKS guarantee him a starting job? I think not, but neither would Saban, I’d guess. Hey, maybe he’s going to announce that he’s actually re-openimg his recruitment!###

  4. Brooklyndawg

    Greg Poole Brooklyndawg I admit I’ve never even been in the piedmont area, other than quickly driving through, coming from or going to, somewhere else. How far from WV is it, or is my geography way off (I guess I could Google it….)?

  5. Brooklyndawg

    Hobnailboot aka RobG Brooklyndawg Bulldawg Bob2 Yeah…..{YAWN}. But this would rank right up there with being Tunsled or Henry’d, even though the circumstances are different, i know.

  6. Greg Poole

    Brooklyndawg Garrett County, but, yeah in the mountains about 2 miles from Deep Creek Lake.

  7. Hobnailboot aka RobG

    Brooklyndawg Bulldawg Bob2  I’ll just be glad to not hear about his recruitment anymore, I grew tired of it about 3 months ago

  8. Brooklyndawg

    Bulldawg Bob2 Rounds 2-3 of the NFL draft? If he ends up with the Gumps, after Carlos saying that they were being dropped from contention, which Saban reiterated, then I for one wouldn’t even want him here. NO MAS, man!

  9. Bulldawg Bob2

    To my knowledge, D-Rob is still announcing on May 2nd. Not sure whayt 4-29-2016 means or is either though

  10. dawgmum

    JaxDawg He’s got one more week to be the big top story. I’ll bet he’s just milking it for all it’s worth. Still hope he’s a Dawg.

  11. Hobnailboot aka RobG

    JaxDawg  Just think how much de-recruiting that kid is going to need……whoah

  12. JaxDawg

    True, maybe it’s 247 stirring up things. He posted a pic with the comment “views 4.29.16” I don’t know what that means and I thought that he was deciding on the 2nd, but it just seems weird he would go out of his way to post a pic of his family and saban

  13. 1mandawgpack

    Bulldawg Bob2  They lost again by giving up 2 runs in bottom of 6th.  They can’t seem to hold a lead late in the game.  Should have taken 2 of 3 at AU but instead got swept.

  14. Bulldawg Bob2

    Anything is possible, but that would not make much sense. Just a couple of days ago he posted a Georgia edit on Instagram

  15. dsw61

    Bulldawg Bob2 Thanks for the detailed clarification. The arrest makes more sense now. Still SMH though…the staff works hard to have a successful 93K G-Day game…in order to build positive momentum …and a few days later the Briscoe incident happens.

  16. Bulldawg Bob2

    RumRunnerDoogie Yes, and it does seem like they have played more than these 3 games.

  17. RumRunnerDoogie

    Bulldawg Bob2 seems like they have been playing them for a while, just 3 game series?

  18. RumRunnerDoogie

    time to watch some USA pro rugby :)

  19. 1mandawgpack

    Bulldawg Bob2 1mandawgpack  Of all the out-of-state DL in Athens, his is likely one of the few that is valid.  Most people I know who had fake IDs always used out-of-state licenses.  I had a fake ID from North Dakota.  If anyone ever heard me talk, it wouldn’t take long to figure out that there was no way I was from any further north than Kentucky and any further west than Arkansas.

  20. TyDawg

    Bulldawg Bob2 I sure am glad all the hard criminals are locked away and we can start arresting college students for not wearing their seat belts and having an out of state license. I feel like I can safely walk the streets now.

  21. Bulldawg Bob2

    1mandawgpack I wouldn’t say there is virtually no way for LE officials to verify your address and how long you have been living at said address. There is a lot of information they can pull via their computer, but it all hinges on how accurate the records in the system are.

    But I agree that the law is goofy and shouldn’t result in an arrest and trip to jail. At most a ticket and a fine that can be reduced if you go get your DL before the court day in traffic court.

  22. 1mandawgpack

    Bulldawg Bob2  The law is the law and can’t be refuted.  That said, there is virtually no way in most instances for an officer to verify/validate if someone with an out-of-state license is a Ga. resident and if so, for how long.  One of my co-workers originally from FL (who has lived in ATL for almost a year) was pulled over for speeding a couple of weeks ago and was also given a citation (not arrested) for driving on an out-of-state license.  Had she elected to, she could have informed the officer that she was in town for a temporary work assignment, visiting a friend, etc. (i.e., still a resident of FL) and there would have been no way for him to verify it.  That’s why this law is so goofy and why Briscoe should have been ticketed and not arrested.  I’m fine with arrests for violent crimes (i.e., domestic violence) or instances whereby someone else can be injured (i.e., DUI), but this one makes absolutely no sense being anything other than a citation.  Obama is releasing prisoners with long, non-violent wrap sheets (i.e., drug dealers, etc.) and law enforcement in Athens is arresting people for seat belt and drivers license infractions – yet another sign of how messed up the world we live in has gotten.

  23. Colonial Dawg

    CLTDawg Colonial Dawg I remember several years ago when Prado first came up to the majors.  He played MANY positions.  He was asked one day what his favorite position was.  He said “lineup”.

  24. CLTDawg

    Colonial Dawg CLTDawg It’s impossible to not like Prado. Plays the game the way it should be played. I’m happy most Braves fans recognize it, too. He gets a nice ovation every time he comes back to Turner Field.

  25. Colonial Dawg

    CLTDawg Colonial Dawg  I do agree.  I’m not really predicting 38 wins this year.  And they do have some real talent in the minors.  I really hope they can be competitive next year and really good by ’18.  I used to go see the Richmond Braves several years ago.  It was fun seeing Martin Prado and those guys in AAA.  Martin was one of my favorites.

  26. DawgDaddy

    DawgLink me too, I don’t remember ever hearing out of state students talking about having a Georgia DL back in the day.

  27. CLTDawg

    Colonial Dawg Yep, everyone wins 54 and everone loses 54…it’s what you do with the other 54 that separates the good and bad teams. Bravos will eventually call up some of the fantastic talent they have in Gwinnett and Mississippi and start to win some games down the stretch after the division is out of hand. They’ll win somewhere between 60 and 67 games.

  28. Hobnailboot aka RobG

    If I did I believe I’d just throw my pole in the water, don’t care how much money I’d be out

  29. DawgLink

    I have been under the impression that an out of state student at college was still a resident of their original state. I mean their cars are still registered to their state with that state’s tag. Pretty silly to me

  30. Colonial Dawg

    Switching gears a little bit, I have always heard that a major league baseball team is going to win 1/3 of its games no matter how bad it is, and lose 1/3 no matter how good it is, it’s what they do with the other 1/3 that determines their season.  I believe the Braves (on pace to win 38 games this season) are going to challenge that rule this year!

  31. Bulldawg Bob2

    Well drat. Georgia men’s tennis team lost to Gators 4-2. Next up NCAA Tournament.