UGA Football Recruiting 28-June-15

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UGA Football Recruiting 28-June-15

2016 JUCO CB Devron Davis, Merced C.C., California. Photo courtesy of HUDL. Graphic edit by Bob MIller.
Photo courtesy of HUDL. Graphic edit by Bob MIller
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UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread

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[su_box title=”Today’s Featured Recruits” box_color=”#050505″ title_color=”#ffffff”] [su_spacer size=”20″] [su_tabs] [su_tab title=”Ty Chandler-2017 RB“][su_animate type=”fadeInUp”]
Sophmore Highlights

[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Devron Davis-2016 JUCO CB“][su_animate type=”fadeInUp”]

[/su_animate] [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Anthony Lotti-2016 Punter“][su_animate type=”fadeInUp”]
Junior Season Highlights

[/su_animate] [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Devwah Whaley-2016 RB“] [su_animate type=”fadeInUp”]
2014 Junior Season

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[su_box title=”UGA Football Recruiting and Sports News” box_color=”#050505″ title_color=”#ffffff”] [su_spacer size=”20″] [su_tabs] [su_tab title=”Devron Davis-2016 JUCO CB Gets Offer“][su_animate type=”fadeInUp”]
devron prime davis on Twitter

[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Devwah Whaley-2016 RB Narrows List to 5“][su_animate type=”fadeInUp”]
Devwah Whaley on Twitter

[/su_animate] [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Randrecous Davis’ Tattoos are Dawg Approved“][su_animate type=”fadeInUp”]
Georgia Football Recruit Randrecous Davis’ Tattoos are Dawg Approved (video)

[/su_animate] [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”The Opening 2015: Team Hypercool Highlights“][su_animate type=”fadeInUp”]
The Opening 2015: Team Hypercool Highlights

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[su_box title=”UGA Football Recruiting Quick Hits” box_color=”#050505″ title_color=”#ffffff”] [su_panel border=”0px double #ff0000″ radius=”10″][display-frm-data id=47642 filter=1][/su_panel][/su_box] [su_spacer size=”40″]
[su_box title=”Recent UGA Offers” box_color=”#050505″ title_color=”#ffffff”] [su_panel border=”0px double #ff0000″ radius=”10″][display-frm-data id=58080 filter=1][/su_panel][/su_box] [su_spacer size=”40″]
The Lucas Rogers UGA Recruiting Hot Board is

Author /

The University of Georgia 1991-1994. Lanier Tech 2009-2012. Writer and graphic artist covering UGA athletics, college football, and recruiting. Peach cobbler fears me!