UGA Football Recruiting 30-Mar-2016

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UGA Football Recruiting 30-Mar-2016

No. 10 Evan Reese - Class of 2017 - OLB (Photo
No. 10 Evan Reese – Class of 2017 – OLB


UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread


Today’s Featured Recruits



Tadarrius Patterson

Class of 2017 – OLB

Carver HS, Birmingham, AL



Evan Reese

Class of 2017 – OLB

Savannah Christian School, Savannah, GA



Donovan Georges

Class of 2018 – LB

Champagnat Catholic School, Hialeah, FL



Quin Williams

Class of 2018 – OLB

Morgan County HS, Madison, GA









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Greg is closing in on 15 years writing about and photographing UGA sports. While often wrong and/or out of focus, it has been a long, strange trip full of fun and new friends.

311 responses on “UGA Football Recruiting 30-Mar-2016

  1. Greg Poole

    AlphaDawg – I get the professionalism thing but there is a difference in being objective and being disrespectful.

  2. AlphaDawg

    Greg Poole CLTDawg Seth openly admits he does not care about UGA. Which has it’s pros and cons

  3. Greg Poole

    CLTDawg  I’ll say this – there are 2 types of beat writers:

    1. Some are fans and are concerned with the team and it’s followers.

    2. The others are “professional journalists” who do not give a rat’s @zz about the team. These folks are solely interested in career advancement, are bitter cynics and a pain in the butt to be around.

  4. AlphaDawg

    Greg Poole AlphaDawg CLTDawg haws1178 Wow that bad huh? They’ve done a good job at putting lipstick on a pig, and it shows you how far good branding can go. I really only read their articles that come out in parallel with the paysite articles covering the same topic.

  5. Greg Poole

    CLTDawg For me also – I don’t want to get into it too much because I have to work with these guys every day, but several of them do not speak to me anyway.

  6. CLTDawg

    MMCSDAWG haws1178 I hate that Seth has fallen into it. He’s always been one of my favorite on the beat because he seemed to be above the “hot take, click bait” style of reporting, but I suppose the economics have changed, and these guys have to make a living.

  7. Greg Poole

    AlphaDawg CLTDawg haws1178   There never was a honeymoon phase with the print guys. They focus is controversy. If they can get something going their stories will get picked up by other papers around the country and, possibly, other national media. Big click number means reputation and dollars for them.

    If you sat in the media room and listened to them for just one day, you would never read another word.

  8. CLTDawg

    AlphaDawg CLTDawg haws1178 I get where Kirby is coming from, though. He remains very candid when you ask him questions about his football team, so ask questions about the team! Just yesterday, he was name dropping players again, saying that he’d like to see Sony or Natrez step up to be vocal leaders…something that we’d rarely hear under previous coaches. 

    Seems as though a savvy editor might tell his beat writers to take advantage of such candor, and to craft good stories around it, rather than forcing Kirby to go on the defensive about a change in the state laws that might make their job a bit harder.

  9. AlphaDawg

    CLTDawg haws1178 it seems there was a very short lived honeymoon phase with Kirby and the media. He was very transparent in giving answers, and then he really pissed some off with that open records bill. Oh well, guess the old AJC is here to stay.

  10. CLTDawg

    haws1178 Agree. I’m already sick of the whining about the Open Access to Info law. I have yet to see a single article highlighting any important, time-sensitive news that has ever come out of these kinds of requests that are sent in to the UGAAD. If it is such a big blow, why is there no evidence that this removal of quick access will have prevented big stories in the past? There isn’t. Bottom line is that news outlets will have to adapt. There are similar statutes in other states (including most notably Alabama, obviously), and the local media there still find a way to create palatable content regarding athletics.

  11. haws1178

    Well the feeling is mutual. Most of their articles are crap.I will admit I mistakenly click on one every now and then but I try to avoid them.


    haws1178 They are very good at it!  They have added some staff and tried to change with the Dawgnation stuff, but deep down inside they are still haters!!


    ed603 Very well stated ED!  The recent turn of events in our nation and the total disrespect of our men and woman in Law Enforcement is a SHAME!  People who choice to chastise and demean our public servants as a whole based on a very few rouge incidents of misconduct by LEO’s is unforgivable in my personal opinion.  The great men and woman that put their lives on the line every single day to protect and serve our communities have my respect and admiration in the face of a nation that is becoming less and less respectful of their contributions to our personal safety!  Prayers go out to your local officer’s family!!

  14. Bulldawg36

    Go Georgia Bulldawgs!!!!!!!!!!!! This is our team! And it’s our time to take over the east again!!! Beat Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. ed603

    Good morning, BI…just a short comment on LEO day at practice. Not many of us in the public show enough respect for the job law enforcement has to do. It’s almost a thankless job, and at times, a very dangerous one. Anything a community can do to show respect for these officers is a worthy effort. It should not be done to possibly keep an athlete from being arrested, but should be done as a true show of thanks and respect. Our community here in La  lost a fine young deputy, who left a wife and 3 children. As his story came out, it was amazing how much of his off time he spent working with young kids, organizing fishing trips, playing ball, etc. He was repaid for his efforts when a young thug shot him in the face, killing him instantly. His deadly mistake was that he hesitated to pull his weapon, hoping to make the arrest without violence. Lets all be happy that UGA made this effort to say thanks, and hope it continues.


    AlphaDawg MMCSDAWG I’m sure he is approaching them from a totally respectful position.  Not sure what happened with our previous administration, but I like that Kirby is trying to change the dynamic from confrontational to more of a respectful one.  It might not work, but at least he is trying to change the dynamic and who knows if you keep planting those seeds, hopefully one day you will reap the harvest!

  17. haws1178

    What I would like to see happen is Kirby allowed to handle the minor run ins and them to handle the major ones.

  18. AlphaDawg

    MMCSDAWG AlphaDawg I think it depends how Kirby approaches it. He could be demanding which I doubt and try to strong arm them saying “at bama our police was on our side.” yada yada, or he could approach it like “I want to be in the know about what my players are doing.” more of a dad approach to show he cares about his players and wants to know if you see them out doing things they shouldn’t. Regardless of whatever was said, it hopefully will build somewhat of a relationship with the officers in ACC and make them see the players as friends and someone they know personally. That could be the difference between a “hey you need to slow down boy” and a “hmm you were speeding and your car has a Mariana smell coming from it. I need to search the car and you.”