UGA Football Recruiting 31-Mar-2016

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UGA Football Recruiting 31-Mar-2016


UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread


Today’s Featured Recruits


DeAngelo Gibbs

DeAngelo Gibbs

Nate McBride


Toneil Carter

2017 RB Toneil Carter 2015 mid season highlight remix

Netori Johnson

Junior Highlights


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Greg is closing in on 15 years writing about and photographing UGA sports. While often wrong and/or out of focus, it has been a long, strange trip full of fun and new friends.

488 responses on “UGA Football Recruiting 31-Mar-2016


    ZippyMorocco Brooklyndawg MMCSDAWG AlphaDawg

    Amen to that Zip…  Even Furman Bisher was better than anything of the last 10 or so years!  Who really knows what happened between the Bear and Butts.  Maybe that is the beginning of the angst Brooklyndawg ###

  2. ZippyMorocco

    Brooklyndawg MMCSDAWG AlphaDawg 
    I have been following for over 50 years. The AJC was a lot better when Lewis was there.

  3. Brooklyndawg

    MMCSDAWG Brooklyndawg AlphaDawg I never really followed CFB when I was up north so have no idea if this went on up there. I lived right near College Park Md but of course this was well before social media took over the world. But nothing ever appeared in the local papers, zippo. Perhaps living right in Athens these days means we get the brunt of it. And lots of people don’t care so it wouldn’t even occur to them that anything’s amiss. My wife is a life long Dawgs fan and she pays no attention to  any of it, news, recruiting, anyone arrested, none of it. She’l outlive me by decades##

  4. haws1178

    I think I’m going to OD on sausage dogs and chips lol. We had a retirement luncheon for a fellow Dawg fan I work with.


    Brooklyndawg MMCSDAWG AlphaDawg

    I would totally be guessing and injecting my own bias if I were to try and answer this one…  I really don’t know, but there is a definite angst on the part of some of them.  Which is odd considering UGA has one of the best journalism colleges in the country! ###

  6. AlphaDawg

    Brooklyndawg MMCSDAWG AlphaDawg Not sure either, but I believe it’s more of the get clicks anyway possible attitude. Most of those come from juicy stories they are trying to get nationally recognized. Most of those stories aren’t the every day happy go lucky stuff.

  7. Brooklyndawg

    MMCSDAWG AlphaDawg I’ve only been following UGA since ’07 so I have no idea why there seems to be so much bias against the Dawgs. Can someone explain?

  8. AlphaDawg

    MMCSDAWG AlphaDawg I’m not exactly sure why Seth is holding a recruiting chat anyways.

  9. AlphaDawg

    AJC holding a live chat. So far the only two questions have been about the 90day information law…..surprise!

  10. converted 1981

    Greg Poole converted 1981 Gotta go, glad to talk with you and I will be back in and out.  Trying all I can do to be at the G Day game.

  11. converted 1981

    Greg Poole converted 1981 I am Not a poker player and definitely do not want to start with the likes of CKS…….

  12. converted 1981

    Greg Poole converted 1981 LHB/BI Never has been and never needs to become a “Rumor Mill”.  To many high quality people on here that know or are willing and understanding that sometimes we have to wait.  Integrity was the reason I stuck around a few years ago with the “break off”.

  13. Greg Poole

    converted 1981 I don’t want to comment on that other than to say that CKS was able to extract a lot of control in exchange for his signature. He is a smart (pun intended) guys. I guessing you don’t want to play poker with him.

  14. converted 1981

    Greg Poole converted 1981 Power or “Intestinal fortitude”, was he willing to pay the price and Fight.  I do not think so, he seemed to simply “Echo” what he was Told he could and could not do/have.  Sometimes The Head Coach has to dig his heels in and say “This is the way it is going to be”.  Even at the risk of losing his job.  CKS established that even Before he came here.  CMR never did.

  15. Greg Poole

    converted 1981 Yep. I think we’re going to see more changes in athletic administration over the next year. There are some rumors floating around now. I’m not going to get into it because I’ll want to be thrown under the bus for starting rumors…

  16. converted 1981

    Greg Poole converted 1981 Don’t think he will have any issue with putting a few in their places – one way or another……  Sometimes “Dirty Work” is delegated to subordinates that can do that sort of thing.  CKS has to keep an open clean Public Face – to a certain extent.

  17. Greg Poole

    converted 1981 He will quickly see who is trying to use him and who is interested in getting team used to fans.

  18. converted 1981

    AlphaDawg converted 1981 Greg Poole Personally I always like and still do like CMR – still feel he is a borderline Great Coach.  Just never had the “Killer” instinct to put teams away or to truly Fight for his team.  He sacrificed much and brought many Great things to Georgia and I will always be grateful for that.  He just was not willing to go to the Edge that is required to become that “Great” one that will go down in history.


    AlphaDawg Greg Poole Hell, they don’t even have a stadium!  What are the odds they will ever get an IPF? lol

  20. converted 1981

    MMCSDAWG converted 1981 Thanks for the welcome, will try to keep connected.  Traditionally I could always be counted on for a “Smart” comment or two#####

  21. AlphaDawg

    converted 1981 AlphaDawg Greg Poole LOL anyone at his pro-day at Miami would think otherwise. LOL but seriously he says there a “must have” now

  22. converted 1981

    nolabigdawg Greg Poole I hope they start regretting it sooner as well.  Never had a problem with Ole Piss but I have many with their coach.

  23. converted 1981

    AlphaDawg Greg Poole How many other “Things” could Georgia have had (already getting) because CMR “saw no Need”?  I know only time will tell but I expect it to tell a long hard story of all the weaknesses and downfalls of CMR not willing to or wanting to Fight for His Team Needs.


    converted 1981 Welcome back and get flowing!  Your exactly right about the media types too!  You just can’t please some people!  I know I have gotten a LOT more details out of CKS about players and practices thus far and I have also seen much more info available about our practices so far.

  25. nolabigdawg

    Greg Poole St. Stanislaus is a pretty high profile program down here. Ole Miss will probably come to regret this in the future IMO.

  26. AlphaDawg

    Greg Poole lol in a way I feel bad for Richt. He left the only SEC team without an Indoor facility to go to the only ACC team without an indoor facility.

  27. converted 1981

    Greg Poole Personally I like that he is pissing some people off.  I also like the man and his demeanor.  I wonder what some of these “media” folks would say to Saban???????  Don’t think they would get to far.  CKS is like his name “Smart” and willing to work with the media as much as they will let him.  Some will ultimately piss him off and will cause problems for most of those willing to work within his means and methods.  Then we will all suffer.

  28. converted 1981

    Greg Poole Not a HUGE Freeze fan……  Just to much smoke around the man – one day it will come home to burn his proverbial frozen tundra arse.

  29. Greg Poole

    This Saturday is the first scrimmage if spring and we are going to get to see part of it. 
    A lot of media types criticize CKS for being restrictive and controlling, but CMR never let us watch scrimmages, not one minute. In addition, CKS answers questions directly and stick to the topic of the question (as long as the question is about the team).

    It is a welcome change for me.