UGA Football Recruiting 31-Mar-2016

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UGA Football Recruiting 31-Mar-2016


UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread


Today’s Featured Recruits


DeAngelo Gibbs

DeAngelo Gibbs

Nate McBride


Toneil Carter

2017 RB Toneil Carter 2015 mid season highlight remix

Netori Johnson

Junior Highlights


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Greg is closing in on 15 years writing about and photographing UGA sports. While often wrong and/or out of focus, it has been a long, strange trip full of fun and new friends.

488 responses on “UGA Football Recruiting 31-Mar-2016

  1. BahitsDawg

    Greg Poole Brooklyndawg I wish I could see gifs.   It is funny.  I couldn’t see tweets with BZ, but gifs were fine.  Now, I see the tweets, but not pictures.   🙁

  2. Bansai buckeroo

    @Brooklyndawg….I can’t believe I’m saying this as much trouble I was having with burnzone and my iPad, but I miss some of the cool features on burnzone….I wonder if livefyre is actively trying to improve their sw or is this it….

  3. Reddawg13

    DawgLink He sucked before that, just sayin’. But, I hope he beats Meyer’s butt from now on!

  4. BahitsDawg

    Greg Poole ZippyMorocco Who was that the black guy that ticked off all UGA fans on a regular bases.  Man he was worse on his hate of people that don’t look like him than Cynthia Tucker.

    My dad canceled the AJC off and on several times because of both of them.

  5. Brooklyndawg

    Greg Poole Brooklyndawg From my experience, having a major in a discipline does not afford you the skills to help out a third party. JMO though.

  6. Reddawg13

    MMCSDAWG Reddawg13 Greg Poole I sated let us do that too as in travel. I am not that wild about going to Ohio or Michigan. But Florida, Texas, Louisiana, migh not hurt. And if you do go to Ohio there are neighboring states that may have kids come too. Some really good lineman and LB’s come from up that way.

  7. Brooklyndawg

    Greg Poole Brooklyndawg I’ve actually been using it, lol. But I don’t care enough to fuss over it. If it were me, I’d leave everything as is, if for no other reason than to annoy MMCS. He’s obviously not getting enough real work, the paying kind, done anyway

  8. ZippyMorocco

    MMCSDAWG ZippyMorocco Brooklyndawg AlphaDawg Jesse Outlar was good. I never liked Bisher for some reason.

  9. Greg Poole

    Billboard idea for Gwinett County:

    “Hey kids, there is a reason your parents moved South”

  10. Greg Poole

    Brooklyndawg Not that I am aware of. Some of the trainers are kinesiology majors, if that helps.

  11. Greg Poole

    Brooklyndawg Yeah, I’m not sure how much value there is in a tool to take you to the top of the page. The BZ arrow to take you to the comment box was cool though.

  12. Brooklyndawg

    dsw61 Which brings up a question, does UGA, or any other CFB D-1 school, employe a biomechanics person, in order to optimize issues like this?


    Brooklyndawg MMCSDAWG Greg Poole

    It never moves on my desktop here at work running Window 8.1 and Chrome.    I would have to change my identity and come back as someone! ###  Maybe General Doolittle!

  14. Greg Poole

    Reddawg13 I’m not sure how much value there is in going to Ohio – and certainly not Michigan. What SEC should do is allow teams to hold camps anywhere in the state.

  15. Brooklyndawg

    MMCSDAWG Greg Poole That’s off to the far right and away from any comments on my desktop MAC. It is closer to comments on my Droid though but I didn’t think it was that obtrusive, actually, all you have to do is scroll up a tad. BAN MMCS!!!##


    Reddawg13 MMCSDAWG Greg Poole

    The sad thing is we would be spending a large amount of monies on a very small crop of really elite Athletes.  Whereas, OSU and Mich can justify the cost because they will have 100’s of Div-1 athletes available down here in the South when they do their camps.   How may 5-stars are there up there worth camping for?

  17. Greg Poole

    MMCSDAWG  Yes but we are in the middle of redesigning the site. The icon that you refer to is apart of the BI site and not LF. I’d like to move it to the other side or just get rid of it.


    Hey Greg, 

    Only one complaint about our new commenting sight.  Can we get rid of or move the Red 1/4 circle the the ^ arrow that takes you back up to the top of the page?  It covers a portion of the “New Comments” block here on LF and I’ve accidentally hit it several times now while trying to go to someones new comment.  Thanks!

  19. Reddawg13

    MMCSDAWG Greg Poole Well, what we better do is get the SEC to get their heads out of their butts and allow us to do that too. I bet it don’t go away. So we better fight fire with fire!

  20. Reddawg13

    Greg Poole There is a large pig farm in Dooly Co. I say we get a cargo plain and drop urban a big pile of pig poop!

  21. BahitsDawg

    RumRunnerDoogie dsw61 that comment reminds me of the old comments about Michael Vick – “I don’t like my running backs throwing so much.”

  22. BahitsDawg

    RumRunnerDoogie they don’t show for me, either.  Baracuda firewall is probably killing it for me.

  23. dsw61

    Release point comparison of Eason and Ramsey. Notice the difference in shoulder tilt. IMO, the lower release of Eason is directly related to his lack of shoulder tilt. Not saying it’s right or wrong, just pointing out the reason why he throws with a lower arm slot. Don’t know if the low arm slot is an issue for the coaches, but if it is, I hope the coaches understand that his low arm slot is not an “arm slot” issue. It’s a “shoulder tilt” issue. Stuff like this is why having an in depth knowledge of bio-mechanics matters. If a coach doesn’t correctly identify the problem, they can easily mess him up badly. I see it all the time.


    Greg Poole

    Let’s send LeCounte over there and have him and the boys recruit hard for UGA!   Let’s see how long it takes CKS to get a state law passed on this one! haha

  25. Greg Poole

    ZippyMorocco Yep, but that was in the days when newspapers were profitable. The DawgNation thing is an attempt to leverage the newspapers personnel resources to create a new profit stream.

    It is a good idea, but the people in charge of it are newspaper people and they just don’t get the digital world.