UGA Football Recruiting 31-Mar-2016

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UGA Football Recruiting 31-Mar-2016


UGA Football Recruiting Daily Thread


Today’s Featured Recruits


DeAngelo Gibbs

DeAngelo Gibbs

Nate McBride


Toneil Carter

2017 RB Toneil Carter 2015 mid season highlight remix

Netori Johnson

Junior Highlights


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Greg is closing in on 15 years writing about and photographing UGA sports. While often wrong and/or out of focus, it has been a long, strange trip full of fun and new friends.

488 responses on “UGA Football Recruiting 31-Mar-2016

  1. Brooklyndawg

    Colonial Dawg BahitsDawg Brooklyndawg Greg Poole Many of us are old enough to be her Grandpappy!!!


    Brooklyndawg MMCSDAWG
    Don’t be surprised if someone isn’t out there with one come the 16th!  Kirby is staking a lot of this game and from what I’ve read here and other places, he stands a good chance of “selling it out”

  3. Brooklyndawg

    MMCSDAWG Yes….too bad Smart couldn’t bring his man with the big bullhorn from ‘Bama.

  4. JosephSiskey

    Greg Poole Bansai buckeroo I think that this is an improvement over the old site. Thank you for all your hard work. I will go click on some ads now.:)

  5. Brooklyndawg

    MMCSDAWG Greg Poole I wonder whether Andrews would even be on the team, in this new world they’re building in Athens….

  6. Brooklyndawg

    BahitsDawg Greg Poole Brooklyndawg You get to train like Stallone in Rocky 4, rather that in a controlled state-of-the-art environment.

  7. Brooklyndawg

    Greg Poole Brooklyndawg Ah, the Hippies that grew up and figured out it’s not always great to live in cardboard boxes up in Haight…..

  8. Brooklyndawg

    MMCSDAWG Brooklyndawg Greg Poole That was a stupid spur of the moment. Only Finebaum is up there with GM on IQ

  9. Colonial Dawg

    BahitsDawg Brooklyndawg Greg Poole If you can’t see the picture then you are missing out!!  
    (Did I say that out loud?)

  10. Brooklyndawg

    Greg Poole MMCSDAWG Don’t get me wrong, big titles also got big cash, but the company hierarchy was far less prone to take liberties with their titled execs then they were of the proletariat.


    Brooklyndawg MMCSDAWG Greg Poole

    That’s True…  I saw that happening even in the Military when we ‘Downsized” after the Cold War was over.

  12. Brooklyndawg

    Greg Poole THE CKS BS has died down, entirely linked to reader attention span, which is turnips.

  13. Greg Poole

    Sounds like a bank. They are infamous for awarding titles rather than cash.

  14. Brooklyndawg

    MMCSDAWG Brooklyndawg Greg Poole Having worked in Big Pharma for several decades, i can tell you that big salary without the protective envelope of a nice title allows you to be the first out the door whenever there are layoffs.

  15. Brooklyndawg

    Greg Poole Brooklyndawg Thanks, VERY interesting, and VERY broad. I wonder how long it will take to make California’s minimum wage? But seriously, I hope that these kids, after apprenticing, make good money.


    Brooklyndawg MMCSDAWG Greg Poole
    Man we have some many “VP’s” around here it don’t really mean a dang thing!  The head of each section of this little company is a “VP”…  It’s kind of like my time in the Military, I didn’t care about the “Status” of a given title/rank, I was more concerned with the $$$ amount!  haha

  17. Brooklyndawg

    Greg Poole Brooklyndawg OMG, if you had told us that in the first place, some of us may have boycotted this place. I can visualize #36 over there. doing some poor slob’s tech support….lol.Where’s Livefyre tech support?

  18. BahitsDawg

    MMCSDAWG BahitsDawg Brooklyndawg Greg Poole Cairo.  That is the second time today I ran into a comment about that place.  I go years and then in one day…

    As far as fire wall, looks like I am behind the Iron Wall.  It is like living in N. Korea.  lol

  19. Brooklyndawg

    MMCSDAWG Brooklyndawg Greg Poole Well, since you’re undoubtedly already a senior VP, no harm, no foul.

  20. Greg Poole

    Brooklyndawg  LOL – there developer are in eastern Europe – someplace weird like Romania

  21. Brooklyndawg

    BahitsDawg Brooklyndawg Greg Poole Then can you see NO .gifs? How doe even get onto the site, or is that your magic?


    BahitsDawg Brooklyndawg Greg Poole You can’t see Krista??  Dang, you need to fix that!  Pretty Dance Dawg from Cairo!

  23. Brooklyndawg

    Greg Poole BahitsDawg Maybe they’ll move out of Utah, to civilization, and get stuff right. You can’t use BYU students as your sole tech support###

  24. Brooklyndawg

    BahitsDawg Brooklyndawg Greg Poole If you really can’t see this pic then you DO need a new computer!!!


    Greg Poole Brooklyndawg It’s that new era of modern media you were talking about with respect to the AJC… lol! IDK

  26. BahitsDawg

    Greg Poole Brooklyndawg lol, it sounds like some new age mumbo jumbo.  It will either lead to graduates living in their parents basements or conning their ways to top of large corporations.

    There will be no middle ground.

  27. Greg Poole

    Brooklyndawg No. Just aesthetics and incorporating some of our social and cultural stuff into a more prominent role on the homepage.

    We are not going to try to do what BZ could not.

  28. Brooklyndawg

    BahitsDawg Greg Poole Brooklyndawg How about the, is Krista actually our graphics designer?
    Meet Krista! She is a junior from Cairo, GA studying Advertising and Consumer Journalism.

  29. BahitsDawg

    Greg Poole Bansai buckeroo Maybe, if they survive, they can fix stuff and try to get you back.

  30. Greg Poole

    Bansai buckeroo  This is the way it was in 2011 and I don’t see it changing. I gave BZ to years to fix their stuff and they just did not get it done.

    The nice thing with BZ was that we had direct access to the owners and were their largest site. We were on their paid version and got it free. LF has a paid version but none of the kinds of features that BZ was doing.


    Brooklyndawg Greg Poole
    They get their monies worth out of me around here! lol###  You get what your willing to pay for, if they were to offer me another 50K I might decide to dedicate a little more time to their pocket books, otherwise, I’m here!

  32. Brooklyndawg

    Bansai buckeroo EC, does your site redesign incorporate any unprotected B_Z features, or not?