UGA Recruiting Daily 10-August-2016

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UGA Recruiting Daily 10-August-2016

Nate McBride chats with a teammate after the 4 x 100 m relay
Nate McBride chats with a teammate after the 4 x 100 m relay
Photo: Greg Poole/Bulldawg Illustrated


UGA Recruiting Daily Thread

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NO.3 JUCO prospect in 2017 Class, No.1 JUCO ILB
Dodge City C.C.
Dodge City, KS


2017 Class, No.2 ILB
Vidalia Comprehensive School
Vidalia, GA


2017 Class, OLB
McEachern High School
Powder Springs, GA


2017 Class, No.22 ILB
James Clemens High School
Madison, AL









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The University of Georgia 1991-1994. Lanier Tech 2009-2012. Writer and graphic artist covering UGA athletics, college football, and recruiting. Peach cobbler fears me!

467 responses on “UGA Recruiting Daily 10-August-2016

  1. DawgByte

    Bulldawg Bob2 Michael Pope Wasn’t he on a little leave of absence the end of last year? 
    Enter Roquan Smith!

  2. Bulldawg Bob2

    Bearbuddy  Basically the same thing everybody is reporting and we posted below, but appreciate you posting it Bear. Was hoping they would have more info, but nadda. 

    Hopefully, whatever the reason for the leave of absence is not due to academics or disciplinary problems.

  3. Bulldawg Bob2

    freddawg DawgLink I don’t want to jump to any conclusions just yet, but aye. Doesn’t sound good.

  4. freddawg

    Bulldawg Bob2 Well, this isn’t Tennessee, home of the “indefinite” offseason suspension that miraculously ends before any meaningful games are played.  That didn’t sound too good.

  5. DawgByte

    Saw this online… LOL!

    The principle of the haggis is very easy. 
    You take a sheep.
    You kill it first (better).
    You take out its stomach.
    You put the rest of the sheep through a meat grinder (better to take the wool and the skin off first).
    You put all that into the stomach.
    Salt, pepper and spices.
    You boil.
    If you pour a LOT of whisky on it to eat it, it is about OK.
    Robbie Burns’ night coming up soon!
    Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face, 
    Great chieftain o’ the puddin-race! 
    Aboon them a’ ye tak your place, 
    Painch, tripe, or thairm: 
    Weel are ye wordy of a grace 
    As lang’s my arm. 
    The groaning trencher there ye fill, 
    Your hudies like a distant hill, 
    Your pin wad help to mend a mill 
    In time o’ need, 
    While thro’ your pores the dews distil 
    Like amber bead. 
    His knife see rustic Labour dight, 
    An’ cut ye up wi’ ready slight, 
    Trenching your gushing entrails bright, 
    Like onie ditch; 
    And then, O what a glorious sight, 
    Warm-reeking, rich! 
    Then horn for horn, they stretch an’ strive: 
    Deil tak the hindmost, on they drive, 
    Till a’ their weel-swall’d kytes belyve 
    Are bent like drums; 
    Then auld Guidman, maist like to rive, 
    ‘Bethankit!’ hums. 
    Is there that owre his French ragout, 
    Or olio that wad staw a sow, 
    Or fricassee wad mak her spew 
    Wi perfect scunner, 
    Looks down wi’ sneering, scornfu’ view 
    On sic a dinner? 
    Poor devil! see him owre his trash, 
    As fecl;ess as a wither’d rash, 
    His spindle shank a guid whip-lash, 
    His nieve a nit; 
    Tho’ bluidy flood or field to dash, 
    O how unfit. 
    But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed, 
    The trembling earth resounds his tread, 
    Clap in his walie nieve a blade, 
    He’ll make it whistle; 
    An’ legs, an’ arms, an’ heads will sned 
    Like taps o’ thrissle. 
    Ye pow’rs, wha mak mankind your care, 
    And dish them out their bill o’ fare, 
    Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware, 
    That jaups in luggies; 
    But if ye wish her gratfu’ prayer, 
    Gie her a Haggis!

  6. DawgByte

    RumRunnerDoogie freddawg DawgByte Bulldawg Bob2 Or send in 3rd down calls when they need 2 yards for a first.

  7. Bulldawg Bob2

    dirtydawgs No worries Dirty. I scrolled down and deleted any comments that were directly political a couple of hours ago. I would have done so sooner, but the comments were slow loading for me earlier in the day.

  8. freddawg

    Michael Pope I asked about TK a few days ago because he’s been left out of the conversation this summer and camp.

  9. Michael Pope

    There are some rumblings that there may be some news coming concerning ILB Tim Kimbrough. I will let you guys know if anything comes up concerning Kimbrough after Kirby’s presser this evening.

  10. RumRunnerDoogie

    freddawg DawgByte Bulldawg Bob2 yea i have no idea what that job means. all i can think is talk up FL when hes on all these ESPN and SEC network shows

  11. RumRunnerDoogie

    DawgByte wouldnt mind seeing him cleat up and line up at inside center of flanker in rugby haha

  12. freddawg

    DawgByte freddawg Bulldawg Bob2 Especially as an “ambassador”.   Being diplomatic is not Spurrier’s strong suit.

  13. DawgByte

    freddawg Bulldawg Bob2 Can you imagine having Visor Boy looking over your shoulder?!!! What was Florida thinking?

  14. freddawg

    Greg Poole I haven’t seen Michael in person, but he doesn’t look tall enough in that avatar photo.

  15. freddawg

    Bulldawg Bob2   Pretty funny.  McElwain says he’s not ready to announce a starter, but Spurrier says Del Rio.  I’m sure that went over well.

  16. 66DAWGnNC

    If we don’t beat UNC I will have to move. They are snobby enough during basketball season. I can’t have them thinking they can play football too.

  17. DawgByte

    freddawg He transferred to Florida from Oregon State University. A buddy of mine who’s a huge Florida fan is confident he’ll do a good job for them. We’ll see.