UGA Recruiting Daily 11-August-2016

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UGA Recruiting Daily 11-August-2016

No.56 Fred Hansard (photo Fred Hansard - Twitter)
No.56 Fred Hansard
(photo Fred Hansard – Twitter)


UGA Recruiting Daily Thread

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CLASS: 2017
Hun High School
Princeton, NJ


Coffeyville CC
(Graduated from DeSoto High School, KS)


CLASS: 2017
Poly Prep School
Brooklyn, NY



CLASS: 2018
Ridge View
Columbia, SC









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The University of Georgia 1991-1994. Lanier Tech 2009-2012. Writer and graphic artist covering UGA athletics, college football, and recruiting. Peach cobbler fears me!

485 responses on “UGA Recruiting Daily 11-August-2016

  1. Bulldawg Bob2

    I know some of you skip down through the content above to get on down here to the comments section to see what is being discussed and participate in the conversation, but if have missed any of our podcasts or the latest interviews from coaches and players, they are up top just above the comment section in a SoundCloud playlist. If you have never taken the opportunity to listen to the shows we produce on BD Illustrated ON-Air, I encourage you do so.

  2. Bulldawg Bob2

    GaSoldier   This is going to force the SEC to look at the grad transfer rule that they changed back in 2011 to be stouter than the NCAA mandate. South Carolina a couple of other schools tried to no avail to get the conference rule to match the NCAA rule back in 2014.

    Coaches and ADs see how Nick Sabana and Alabama looked in this situation and do not want to come across as being “bad guys” in the PR department; so, I strong feeling that if the proposal to change the rule is brought up in the offseason, it will get the support and votes this time in order for it to happen.

    But you are correct. The SEC doesn’t have to grant the waiver to Smith. Their are no special circumstances that we know of. However, it would be a PR nightmare for them.

  3. Bulldawg Bob2

    DawgByte Hopefully, cooler head will prevail. This is definitely emotional for him as he does love UGA.

  4. Bulldawg Bob2

    freddawg  Good post Fred, but I do not believe this was due to roster management; although, I could be wrong.

  5. Bulldawg Bob2

    DawgByte AlphaDawg  Most players know, including the high school players, that when there is a coaching change, that it usually results in some players not being happy and deciding to transfer to another team.

    I don’t think it affects recruiting as much as say what happened with Maurice Smith at Alabama.

    I don’t think that is the whole story, but it is definitely part of it.

  6. 1mandawgpack

    GaSoldier  Our history with those who “regulate” us has been less than stellar (i.e., AJ Green, Gurley, etc.), so I certainly understand your reservations.  However, the NCAA and SEC at some point are going to be held accountable for “talking out of both sides of their mouths” and cannot in one breath say that they want what’s best for the student (who, by the way, also plays sports) and then continue with some of these ridiculous rules that put athletics first.  Fingers crossed.

  7. JaxDawg

    I keep forgetting we got Juwan Taylor. He played pretty well last year. I think Kirby will be able to move someone else inside to be a good reliever

  8. Bulldawg Bob2

    AlphaDawg Correct Greg Poole . Kimbrough Sr. said Tim Jr. is transferring and Jr. has stated he is considering a D2 school so he doesn’t have to sit a year. He only has the one year of eligibility left.

  9. AlphaDawg

    GaSoldier LOL Possibility. I said it over and over, It’s hard to believe Saban has bowed to anyone.

  10. GaSoldier

    Got a feeling the SEC will not grant a transfer for Smith. Saban just did this, to clear his name. Him and SEC are working hand to hand.

  11. 1mandawgpack

    DawgByte AlphaDawg  DB, I’m actually ok posting his tweets.  It appears from one of them below he had a problem getting along with the current coaching staff.  I think most of the staff who came from ‘Bama realize that the quality and depth of talent, while good by the standards of most teams, aren’t at the same level as ‘Bama.  Accordingly, I would have to believe that this staff asked a few very simple requests of our current players and particularly, the upperclassmen:  buy into the system and go hard every rep (I.e., a play in practice, a rep in the weight room, etc.).  If he wasn’t doing those simple things (and we really don’t know, but can only guess based upon TK’s own tweet which indicated issues with the current coaching staff), then I don’t have a problem with him voluntarily leaving (or being asked to leave) and don’t think that will impact recruiting in a negative way.

  12. dawgmum

    1mandawgpack dsw61 AlphaDawg When my girls were at Georgia, we had a strict “we won’t drop in unexpected on you if you don’t drop in unexpected on us” rule.

  13. DawgByte

    Bulldawg Bob2 Good morning Bob. Probably a good idea to monitor the Kimbrough Tweets coming out. I don’t think it reflects well on him, coaches or team. Clearly the kid is bitter, so this doesn’t make for good recruiting material.

  14. 1mandawgpack

    dsw61 AlphaDawg  Most college students’ worst nightmare (i.e., a surprise visit from parents after a hard night on the town socializing).

  15. freddawg

    DawgByte  Yeah, I didn’t mean to absolve Kimbrough of any of his shortcomings.  Just pointing out that Kirby may learn something here too.  He definitely has a learning curve in front of him.

  16. 1mandawgpack

    dsw61 1mandawgpack Greg Poole  Agreed, but defenses are doing lots of things to try to confuse QBs ability to make reads by lining up in one formation and then shifting to the true formation/cover scheme at approximately the same time that the ball is being snapped.  QB is definitely a very hard, demanding job, but the ones who have spent the time honing their craft (Brady and Manning immediately come to mind) make it look easy.

    I’ve said on here time and time again, but part of our problem on offense last year had to do with the fact that we had athletes (IM, TG, etc.) playing WR and also not understanding and being able to read coverages.  As the game has evolved. the pattern that a WR runs on a particular play as called in the huddle or via an audible is a “strong suggestion” as they are supposed to modify those routes if the coverage is taking away that route.  That’s why it is so critical for the QB and WR to be reading the same thing and be on the same page, which I think added to the frustrations last year in attempting to throw the ball successfully.  I’ve given a number of examples during the Florida game where Bauta made the correct read and the WR or TE did not adjust the pattern, resulting in an interception or incompletion.  Part of the issue relates to the QBs and WR being comfortable with each other, which I’m hoping will improve in the current year based upon another year playing together and better development of players by coaches.

  17. DawgByte

    AlphaDawg Okay, it’s time to stop posting Kimbrough’s Tweets! It’s obvious he’s bitter and we don’t need our recruits seeing this stuff. He’s no longer on the team… time to move on.

  18. dsw61

    AlphaDawg dsw61 She’s an over achiever:) She’s getting letters of interest from all over. She just chucks them though. She has always liked the idea of going to UGA. Fine with me because we live so close and can visit anytime.

  19. DawgByte

    1mandawgpack freddawg This will no doubt force us to take someone from the outside and move them inside. Not a bad thing. It will also give R. Smith more PT, which is also a good thing.

  20. DawgByte

    Greg Poole Boy that’s music to my ears!!! I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but I think CMR and his DC’s were recruiting guys with not enough size at ILB. I like the SC model with guys like Ray Malaluga… huge players that can move, cover and clog the middle. I realize they’re not easy to find, but SC gets them every year.

  21. Greg Poole

    dawgmum I can not see why the League would object when the school has signed off. A conspiracy theorist might say that Bama made a deal with the SEC to get themselves off the hook – with the SEC becoming the bad guy….but I doubt that.

  22. AlphaDawg

    dsw61 AlphaDawg Happy thoughts my man!! If she’s getting into UGA you’ve raised a smart cookie.