UGA Recruiting Daily 11-August-2016

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UGA Recruiting Daily 11-August-2016

No.56 Fred Hansard (photo Fred Hansard - Twitter)
No.56 Fred Hansard
(photo Fred Hansard – Twitter)


UGA Recruiting Daily Thread

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CLASS: 2017
Hun High School
Princeton, NJ


Coffeyville CC
(Graduated from DeSoto High School, KS)


CLASS: 2017
Poly Prep School
Brooklyn, NY



CLASS: 2018
Ridge View
Columbia, SC









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The University of Georgia 1991-1994. Lanier Tech 2009-2012. Writer and graphic artist covering UGA athletics, college football, and recruiting. Peach cobbler fears me!

485 responses on “UGA Recruiting Daily 11-August-2016

  1. Greg Poole

    Coordinator Jim Chaney’s dilemma is deciding whether to stick with senior Greyson Lambert, who won 10 games as a starter, or hand the offense over to freshman Jacob Eason, who is raw but can make throws most college quarterbacks can’t. If Nick Chubb (knee) and Sony Michel (arm) can return healthy from injuries, the running game will take pressure off the quarterbacks. The front seven is young, and new head coach Kirby Smart will miss the depth he left behind on defense at Alabama. If Lorenzo Carter and Davin Bellamy can rush the passer nearly as well as Leonard Floyd and Jordan Jenkins, the veteran secondary should allow the Bulldogs to fluster opponents’ passing games.

  2. Bulldawg Bob2

    RobDawg  Hmmmmm …. don’t know.

    Greg Poole have you noticed Rochester’s shoes? 🙂

  3. Bulldawg Bob2

    DawgDaddy Hey DawgDaddy. Pretty good. Although, I’ve got a mad craving for some pulled pork because the smell from a local BBQ joint has drifted all the way over to my house.

  4. RobDawg

    You deserve one though. I know for a fact that you were on the job around 1:30 this morning cause you were responding to me

  5. Bulldawg Bob2

    RobDawg  Hey, hey RobDawg. You finally get settled down last night from your day and able to catch some winks?

  6. Bulldawg Bob2

    GaSoldier  John Atkins, when healthy, should be the starter at nose, and freshman Julian Rochester looks to be holding his own in practice in place of Atkins while he has been hurt.

    Trenton Thompson and DaQuan Hawkins are the two other “veterans” on the d-line. Freshmen Tyler Clark and Michail Carter have looked good in practice.

    Michael Barnett coming off the edge along with Jonathan Ledbetter. David Marshall will push for playing time and then a lot of people forget about redshirt freshman Justin Young.

    There are talent and athleticism to boot on the d-line this year, but a lot of it is young and inexperienced.

  7. BroDawg

    GaSoldier Agree.. my thought is, even if it were as close as KS has said…. go with the future and build from there. I mean if it is even…. but I have a feeling there is a lot of smoke and mirrors to not do NC any favors.. Let them prepare for all 3 instead of narrowing the focus to just 1.

  8. GaSoldier

    You can say the same about Rochester. He has some unnecessary fat. Conditioning would be an issue

  9. freddawg

    GaSoldier Carter sounds like he’s in the best shape of the freshmen.  But when you compare  his arms to the upperclassmen, you definitely notice the difference a year makes.  I’m guessing he’ll play, but maybe not regular rotation early on.

  10. Greg Poole

    GaSoldier I saw and spoke to John for a minute yesterday as I was leaving Butts-Mehre. He has no limp or issue walking – looks like he be back shortly.

  11. GaSoldier

    I think the big questions are at Dline. I have no clue besides Adkins (if healthy) and Thompson.

  12. rugbydawg79

    freddawg rugbydawg79 GaSoldier was a great on defense – it would be so tempting to put him at Star and let him roam

  13. freddawg

    rugbydawg79 GaSoldier I know Woerner is strictly a TE, but he seems like a guy that could play about 4 positions in a pinch.  Good blocker, good receiver, good runner, good tackler.  Just an incredibly agile athlete for a big man.

  14. GaSoldier

    Yes sir Nauta is SEC ready already. We’re blessed with the TE’s. Hope we will take advantage. Woerner will blow right past you, he has deceptive speed. He burnt my high school team.

  15. AlphaDawg

    GaSoldier Forgot about Chig. I dunno. Just have a feeling Ridley is like his brother and is a major threat and can’t find a reason to sit him. 

    All are going to be rotation and we’re blessed. Godwin is the only one I could say is cemented in

  16. AlphaDawg

         Mackenzie  Ridley     Catalina Wynn Kubs Gilliard Pyke     Blaze                 Godwin

  17. GaSoldier

    When it comes to it, I think he wants the best cover guys on the field who can also make a tackle. Fenteng from what I’ve seen is ok

  18. Greg Poole

    freddawg  The video is not behind their pay-wall, right?

    Does he have sources he doesn’t trust? JK

    I have contended all along that Eason is the man. If one were reading tea leaves one could see Rusty’s report as the start of conditioning the fanbase for Eason’s take-over. 

    Here is another point of interest. One of the pay-sites posted a video of Eason receiving “assistance” from a trainer. They were contacted by UGA and asked to take it down. Think about that one — why get it taken down?

  19. freddawg

    GaSoldier What about Fenteng?  I haven’t heard his name much, but he seems to fit Kirby’s mold.  Maybe wishful thinking on my part that we’ll finally have a JUCO db pan out.

  20. GaSoldier

    Briscoe and Parish I think will start at corners with Baker coming in as well. McGraw will shift in at safety too. Interesting to see about Smith if he is granted a transfer