UGA Recruiting Daily Thread
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CLASS: 2018
Brookwood High School
Snellville, GA
Game Video – CLICK HERE
CLASS: 2017
Clinton High School
Clinton, MS
NEW – 2016 Highlights of 1st game vs South Panola HS – CLICK HERE
CLASS: 2017
Moreau Catholic School
Hayward, CA
Game Video – CLICK HERE
CLASS: 2018
Scotland County High School
Laurinburg, NC
NEW – 2016 Highlights – CLICK HERE
RumRunnerDoogie My cholesterol went just looking at it.
Greg Poole courtesy of the Cleveland clinic
Sure with the influence of many recruiters and other teenagers.
Or Dixon is just a teenager trying to figure out what he wants to. Most teenagers have trouble making long term decisions.
Bulldawg36 yessir…seems like its rained pretty hard here for most of the last week…but we havent gotten near what the Athenians have gotten…
119th in the nation on 3rd conversion is not gonna get it done. Looking at one stat independent of other facts is nearly pointless.
Hallelujah baby!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bob is da man!!!!!!!!!!
Just running off assumptions, but Jeremy Pruitt recruiting ability worries me. Wouldn’t surprise me if he had a hand in this.
Bulldawg36 say hallelujah
In preach tree city?
GaSoldier well it happens, still have lecounte to work on him
Welcome to Bulldawg Illustrated AllDawg.
And now its raining..again…
He is tight with Gibbs though
Gibbs & herring will become dawgs if they love UGA. Tired of these package deals!!!!
Looking at the bright side…every day when we look in the mirror we dont see a Tennessee fan!!
Greg Poole Hobnailboot aka RobG yep
Bulldawg36 yea it sucks but im not worried at all. Still a long way away, not to mention a lot of HS LBs have uga high
Hobnailboot aka RobG LOL – especially if they are yours.
Greg Poole Hobnailboot aka RobG I think anyone over the age of 25 is frustrated by kids, it’s what grown ups do##
Hobnailboot aka RobG and I’m just saying that you control whether kids frustrate you or not.
Kirby and the staff probably quit contacting him as much. Not that much worried about a LB. we will get ours!!!!
Bulldawg Bob2 IT IS YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Afternoon everyone.
Hobnailboot aka RobG I think he is saying that he hopes they are not angry about the de-commit.
JaxDawg Could be but there is nothing I can do about it – so I’ll just see what happens.
I still think Kirby’s team are pretty decent recruiters.
Greg Poole Hobnailboot aka RobG JaxDawg I know I’m just saying before I kept up with it I was none the wiser, and only heard about how well UGA recruited after the guys actually made it to campus, and never had any frustration from recruiting.
That would’ve been a huge mistake on our part
True but if Breon goes to Tennessee I’d say watch out bc then they have him and warrior
I recall Dixon was a big fan of Smart. Maybe he wasn’t contacted as much as he would like. Staff has been recruiting Ignont, Warner, and Mcbride hard.Still a position of need though, and competition is a good thing. If Kirby wants him he will continue to recruit him. What’s going on with Gibbs?
Hobnailboot aka RobG JaxDawg Come on guys, both of you have been around long enough to know that it ain’t over til February. Some will come and some will go, but having any expectation of unwavering commitment from a high schooler is an invitation to frustration.
JaxDawg hard to believe in verbals too
JaxDawg same here, while I really enjoy my interaction with everyone here I wish I would have never started following recruiting, it can be irritating.
JaxDawg Look around. It happens everywhere.
Now I’m freaking ticked off!! We are trying to put together a well rounded team and get better. Can’t do this with people jumping off the bus and that affects our recruitment of Gibbs too. Leonard Warned and Nate McBride better hop on. I can’t handle this recruiting anymore
Dixon said “UGA will remain high on my list if the continue to recruit me”, almost sounds like UGA has may have not been contacting him as much as he would like
JaxDawg Something new there? JK, but nothing changes in recruiting. The only thing that has changed at UGA is they are dong much better at it.
JaxDawg Don’t forget about:
Whelp we have work to do. Kirby has his work cut for him this season to get the guys he needs.
JaxDawg Yeah, that is what I was wondering, too.
Well pretty weak and seems odd. He plays a position of need
Idk maybe has something to do with Gibbs
Haha I don’t believe in silent commits! Lol
Nope, no idea. But that’s his choice if he doesn’t want to be coached by Kirby.
Hobnailboot aka RobG Greg Poole I wonder if Smart will unleash one of the silents to offset this news.