UGA Recruiting Daily Thread
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#9 Senior DE DT
Paramus Catholic High School
Paramus, NJ
#6 Senior WR CB
Bishop Gorman High School
Las Vegas, NV
#44 Senior RB CB
Montgomery Bell Academy
Nashville, TN
#2 Junior RB SB
Lovejoy High School
Lovejoy, GA
I think losing him would be a HUGE loss, could secure a very stable Uga future
This is where I would love for Georgia to differ with Alabama, get the big uglies AND the star QB. Clemson went toe to toe with all those 5 stars for 60 minutes and as far as I could find, had never had a recruiting class ranked higher than #9 ( I didn’t really look into too thoroughly). What they did have was elite talent at a few key positions and an elite QB.
RantingDawg I think Lawrence is smart enough to know that Jamaree is a big Georgia lean because of Thomas.
Guys I just don’t have a good feeling about TLaw. I will be thrilled if we get him but I’ve already written him in at Clemson in my mind. I would LOVE to be wrong on this though. I will say I am super excited about our future at QB with Eason and Jake “from state” Fromm. I don’t think missing out on TLaw will be a really big blow, I would rather get the 5 star big uglies. Alabama wins with nobody great at QB every year.
tmdawg12 I am with you there TM. I cut the back yard and part of the front today. Can hardly move now. 99 degrees with heat index of 110.
dirtydawgs I like the chances. Clemson has last visit which scares me though
I think slightly north of 50%. And the more hungover he is tomorrow, the higher that percentage increases…
Anyone in the know have any idea on what our percentages are with Trevor Lawrence?
You da man. That is the video teaser
Indeed. I suspect it’s going to get juicy
Sounds like time to get the popcorn ready and tune in
Here is the tease video from Fox5
Remember when the Volnuts thought Lawrence was a UT lock. VolNation is now posting that CJ Lewis,2017 dual threat qb has committee too UT. 6’3.5″, 205 lbs. #40 dual threat QB; #1633 overall rank for class of ’17.
“All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.” in my best Pink Floyd impersonation.
DawgLink We know that and I am thinking he does too. Clemson is not much of a town either IMO.
tmdawg12 That’s what my guy said today as I handed him his check,
Bulldawg36 GATA!
Bulldawg36 Yep!
DawgLink Nothing here.
Thanks guys, I hadn’t heard anything about a dawg night so figured I’d asked
Anyone hear something about this?
Fox 5 has a video on Facebook about Grayson High school. The assistant coach Kenyatta Watson is no longer at the school. Sounds really fishy. Investigative report Monday night
Mine too. Been a dawg night since I’ve been alive!!!!!!!!!!
Hobnailboot aka RobG Doc R Greg Poole There are a couple channels on my directv that show it a lot so I watch more now than when it was current airing
Doc R Hobnailboot aka RobG Greg Poole It was one of the best ever
Bulldawg36 AT my house, EVERY night is DAWG night
Hobnailboot aka RobG Doc R Greg Poole I love that show
tmdawg12 I’ve been doing outside projects for 2 days, and feel like I’m about to have a heat stroke
No Dawg Night as such this, just the camps.
Their is no more dawg night
Been completely out of the loop the last few weeks…when was dawg night?
Doc R Greg Poole
Bansai buckeroo you should definitely change your yard to Centipede
Goooooooooooooooooooo Dawgs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh lord
yard work was a bad idea….
Not much comparison to me. Better school. Better chance to NFL. Better degree. And much better looking women
Greg Poole When I was young it always seemed to help me, haha.
LOL! There is a flesh eating bacteria in the water in South Carolina right now##
36 has been assigned to blow up all of the bridges over the Savannah River.
Its my understanding CKS & CJC are going to ride with him to and from the University of CLEM.
Yep. Maybe Saturday night in Athens will help.
Yea fingers crossed he picks us but I think it’s very close
Phooey, but at least he is in Athens tonight.
So Lawrence is in fact in Athens today and will spend the night and head to Clemson tomorrow. They get the last visit
Doc R Yep!
rugbydawg79 true dat!
Doc R yeah man, if I had that stamp I could retire….oh wait!!!