UGA Recruiting Daily 26-July-2016

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UGA Recruiting Daily 26-July-2016

Billboard depicting Georgia recruiting prospect Jamaree Salyer


UGA Recruiting Daily Thread

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#69 Junior G DE
Pace Academy High School
Atlanta, GA


#55 Junior T DT
Houston County High School
Warner Robins, GA


#2 Junior RB
Chaminade High School
West Hills, CA


#77 Junior G T
IMG Academy
Bradenton, Florida



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Greg is closing in on 15 years writing about and photographing UGA sports. While often wrong and/or out of focus, it has been a long, strange trip full of fun and new friends.

312 responses on “UGA Recruiting Daily 26-July-2016

  1. DawgDaddy

    BahitsAgain RobDawg I have just poured it in the hole with great results.  Be careful.

  2. ed603

    rugbydawg79 BahitsAgain  I use a powder called DEMON… mix with water, spray, end of game.

  3. rugbydawg79

    BahitsAgain rugbydawg79 as we approach fall they get worse – the nest is larger, they are larger and pack more venom — they kill more people than snakes or sharks every year

  4. BahitsAgain

    Score Check BahitsAgain That attack makes mine seem like child’s play.  I am sorry.

    It is funny when I hear adults who have no clue that these little pricks live under ground.  Even at Tech, I bet most of the students don’t know much about their mascot and what a vicious little prick they are.

  5. AlphaDawg

    Score Check BahitsAgain Take a bug bomb, pop the top and plant it straight town in the hole and run for cover!

  6. Score Check

    I had a similar experience a couple of weeks ago.  15 to 20 stings while mowing my lawn.

    Wait to night time to nuke them or you run the risk of them swarming all over you.  They are all in their nest underground at night.  I unloaded a can of Raid (Wasp & Hornet) into their hole.  They never knew what hit them.

  7. BahitsAgain

    rugbydawg79 BahitsAgain I have to admit that GT chose a great mascot.  Those little jerks are vicious.

    It still stings days after getting hit.

  8. BahitsAgain

    godawgs678 I am really happy football season is almost here so I can tune out the nonsense.   I am a political wonk, but I can’t deal with it this year.  I am not saying who I am voting for on here to walk the gray line, but I hinted at it already.

  9. rugbydawg79

    BahitsAgain I had a Pest Control business in a previous life–go to Home depot or Lowes and get the new foaming action synthetic Pyrthrin —-walk very slowly and make sure you know right where the hole is and blast them -this product shoots a fairly  long stream—then get out of there  !  check the next day –have somebody watching in case you get nailed—Spectracide ground nesting yellow jacket killer–the wasp freeze has no residual—Happy Hunting !

  10. Bansai buckeroo

    @1mdp… I really don’t have any first hand knowledge about what was going on down there. They just had the reputation of recruiting kids and giving their parents jobs. Playing for city of Atlanta school, we played with who we had in the school…

  11. BahitsAgain

    Greg Poole BahitsAgain RobDawg smh, I could tell that wasn’t going to end well after the first 10 seconds.

  12. BahitsAgain

    RobDawg lol, yeah.  Maybe, I should just pour some in the hole and just leave it.  The fumes should kill them without having to light it.

    I thought about trying one of those molten aluminum pourings and then dig it up like the ant bed ones, but I suspect that the nest would just burn up and I would have a big blob of aluminum.

  13. 1mandawgpack

    Bansai buckeroo  At least Valdosta would require the family to move into the school district as they recruited nationwide and would find jobs for parents to entice them to move.  They really didn’t cherry-pick the talent from Lowndes County as Lowndes really was irrelevant during the peak years at Valdosta.

    Valdosta also made good use of the “hold back” rules in which kids in junior high school would drive home after games.  And, this didn’t only relate to athletes with poor grades as athletes from families of doctors and lawyers were also held back strictly for sports.

  14. RobDawg

    Be careful with those gas fumes. They will stay low to ground and travel a long way. When you try to light it can be huge. As me how I know

  15. 1mandawgpack

    DawgLink  As usual, the GHSA blew its opportunity to address this matter.  A kid should only be allowed to transfer to a different school if his parents/guardians move into that school district.  The “Buford” ruling from last year allows players to transfer schools within the same county with no penalty and only imposes a penalty (i.e., moving into a higher classification) if more than 5% of the student population resides outside of the county.  Their justification on the in-county move was based on the premise that a student should be able to attend any school within the county that offers the highest-quality education.  However, we all know that the players transferring to Grayson and Buford are doing so strictly for sports with little regard for the educational impact.  Also, based on the GHSA ruling, one school in a particular county could be virtually empty while another school in the same county could be over capacity if many kids decided to transfer based upon the opportunity for a better education, which really isn’t the best use of taxpayer dollars.

    I don’t know if it was formal or informal, but when I grew up in Thomas County, any transfer between Thomasville and Thomas County Central required a one-year period in which the athlete was not able to participate in sports.  While some may argue that this was a harsh ruling, it kept one school from loading up on all the athletes in the area at the expense of the other school.

  16. RobDawg

    True but I guess I dont know many in that camp. So here’s the falsify of the posters on FB – it would be like someone coming on here and posting how wonderful Auburn is and that we really really ought to consider changing our allegiance to them. It’s insanity

  17. BahitsAgain

    I am planning to use a gallon of gas on their stinking little hive this weekend.   They are near my back shed.  Maybe, I should video and post.  I might end up on the Darwin awards.

  18. BahitsAgain

    I was just minding my business this weekend when a group of Jackets started harassing me.   Then, out of the blue two of them hit me as hard as they could.

  19. RobDawg

    I have to just ignore half of stuff I see – even from family right now. Sickening from both sides

  20. BahitsAgain

    Bansai buckeroo There was one I saw posted of two kids on bikes riding off the side of the road when something like this happened.  Parts of vehicles flying all around them, but they were unhurt.  Amazing.

    Now, think of all the times it doesn’t work out so well.

    Yeah, I think I will stop riding my bike near roads.


    godawgs678 Welcome to the net neutrality era and the down right BEST Bulldawg site on the web!  Never facebooked and never will!

  22. RobDawg

    I just know top tier kids aren’t transferring to the areas where the school’s never make playoffs. In my community I have seen parents take their second or third string player on HS who was “Mr Allstar” at youth park and move him to private school or even move whole family to another area to chase the dream. It happens way more than I bet people realize. I have to believe the coaches at the recipient school for these transfers have to have prior knowledge or perhaps coordination.

  23. AlphaDawg

    Greg Poole AlphaDawg For sure, but just like the bagman, don’t ask, don’t tell.


    converted 1981 Greg Poole Very goo job…  I like his attitude and feel the same way!  I don’t care when or if he plays, I hope he beats his addiction and becomes a better man!

  25. Greg Poole

    AlphaDawg Grayson was just the most successful recruiter but it is done all over the state and has been going on for, at least, 50 years – that I know of.

  26. AlphaDawg

    Greg Poole “It’s just a coincidence” LMAO – he knows we all know he’s full of it, but without any evidence there’s nothing anyone can do about it

  27. 1mandawgpack

    DawgDaddy Greg Poole  Once again, CKS has handled a tough situation like an experienced veteran rather than a first year HC.  Also, the manner in which he has handled this particular matter has to resonate with parents of recruits in that he has put the young man’s wellbeing in front of the impact to the football team, which is absolutely the right thing to do.  I know the recruiting impact likely wasn’t his primary motivation (as I think virtually all coaches really care about their players), but it certainly can’t hurt.

  28. AlphaDawg

    godawgs678 Don’t blame you man. I don’t really do much on FB anymore. Everyone is a political expert on there.

  29. godawgs678

    Quit Facebook last night. The political bickering and social issues debates were getting out of control. I must say, it feels good. Now I can spend more time on BI!!!

  30. DawgLink

    What’s everyone’s take on the recruiting saga at Grayson? GHSA has been notified. BOE has basically asked Kenyatta Watson not to assist in coaching activities.