UGA Recruiting Daily 30-July-2016

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UGA Recruiting Daily 30-July-2016

Commit to the G – edit by Bob Miller
Graphic by Bob Miller


UGA Recruiting Daily Thread

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#8 Senior WR CB
Westlake High School
Atlanta, GA


#1 Senior CB
American Heritage High School
Plantation, FL


#6 Sophomore RB SS
Port St. Joe High School
Port St. Joe, FL


#9 Senior CB FS
Sandalwood High School
Jacksonville, FL



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Greg is closing in on 15 years writing about and photographing UGA sports. While often wrong and/or out of focus, it has been a long, strange trip full of fun and new friends.

196 responses on “UGA Recruiting Daily 30-July-2016

  1. Bulldawg Bob2

    He told DawgNation that he would probably make his commitment announcement at the US Army All American game

  2. DawgByte

    Bulldawg36 Last night I had a half Vodka and half Gin Martini last night and I found that cured whatever ailed me. One was plenty!

  3. DawgByte

    Bansai buckeroo Been there and I love it!!! I’m thinking about going there for the next Rugby World Cup.

  4. bahits

    Richmondawg bahits Greg Poole lol, not talking about the deadheads.  Just the sentiment int the phrase “Make America Grateful Again” 

    we have lost a ton of gratitude and have way too much entitlement attitudes.

  5. Bansai buckeroo

    Willy…I don’t have a problem with him trying. But I also don’t have a problem with them withholding his salary if he is a no show…Both sides should honor the contract. If the Texans are willing to renegiate, then fine…but he signed the contract and should honor it.

  6. willypmd

    Bansai buckeroo

     you know the NFL will cut you in 20 seconds if you have a career threatening injury.  It is the system he lives in, but I have a hard time believing anyone would leave 20+ million dollars on the table because of trying to take a moral stance especially given the lack of morals shown by NFL administration.

    he is trying to do what is best for himself and his family,  I say get your $ Hopkins.

  7. Bansai buckeroo

    Rob… I don’t think he would have given any money back if he had a bad year… Fire your agent if you are not happy with your contract…

  8. 66DAWGnNC

    I have been in a remote part of NC this past week with little to no internet access. Just wanted to say two quick things. (1) It is good to get back to civilization; (2) It is GREAT to see Bulldawg Bob2 back on BI. Praying everything is well on the home front and looking forward to your recruiting insights again.

  9. RobDawg

    @Bulldawg36. You need to teach them the Call the Dawgs cheer then. That should liven things up

  10. RobDawg

    Could be a sticky situation and set a dangerous precedence. That’s why both parties have to go into any contract with eyes wide open. A deal is a deal isn’t it?

  11. Richmondawg

    bahits Greg Poole loved their music for a long time, but having a bunch of zonked out junkies with questionable personal hygiene habits running the show? Ehh, not so much for me…

  12. RobDawg

    Yes it was already 90 when we loaded up and headed out of Sthens around 11:30. Made it back just in time to get trailer unloaded before a nice shower hit here at the house. Good when a plan works out!

  13. Doc R

    tmdawg12 they did not get specific, but from the description it sounds as though he is trading on the Forex market, not the stock market—-big difference—-PIP on brother