Video/Transcript: Dan Jackson, Kendall Milton and Marcus Rosemy-Jacksaint Interviews – March 24, 2022

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Video/Transcript: Dan Jackson, Kendall Milton and Marcus Rosemy-Jacksaint Interviews – March 24, 2022

On Kelee Ringo’s interception in the National Championship…

“It’s about time I had to talk about that one. Every part about that play, I’ll remember that for the rest of my life. Obviously, Kelee made a heck of a play on the ball. Now that I look back, I see people were telling him to get down, but I was just following him. Like I said, he made a heck of a return. I thought we were about to walk in, and then I look to my left, and here he (Agiye Hall) comes out of nowhere. In that moment, I wasn’t feeling anything. I’m just glad we got in the endzone.”





On being a smaller player playing at a high level…

“It’s just my mindset. The way I was raised, the way I’ve been coached growing up. Just having a fearless mindset. In football, you’ve got to be able to throw your body in there when you’re needed.”

On Coach Will Muschamp…





“He has been a game-changer for me and, I would say, all the other DBs. Having that great defensive mind in there critiquing us every day, that’s something I’m really grateful for. We’re blessed to have him for sure.”

On what he learned from Zamir White and James Cook…

“Especially with me coming in early as a 17-year-old, just to slow down when you’re on the field. Take a deep breath and just be calm out there. If you’re overanxious, everything is going by and everything is on the fly. You can almost psych yourself out of the game, so just go out there and be calm and trust in your abilities and trust in your training.”

On last year’s injuries…

“It was definitely frustrating. Having good conversations with my family, I kind of just sat back and trusted the recovery and trusted the process. It was the same type of injury from my freshman year, so I knew what type of rehab I was going into. Once I found out what happened, I knew it wasn’t something that was going to affect me in the long term. It was just something I had to get through in the moment. It was definitely tough having to sit out through most of the season, but I’m healthy now, and I’m ready to get back out on the field.”

On his early impressions of Coach (Bryan) McClendon…

“Coach McClendon is a real cool coach. He’s all about his business, all about his work… He’s very straight forward and makes sure that we’re working and on top of what we’re supposed to be doing, especially on and off the field.”

On the opportunity at the wide receiver position…

“I feel like this is a big opportunity for everyone who plays receiver. Everyone has the chance to showcase their talent and see how well they catch the ball, run routes and block—stuff like that. I feel like this spring is a great opportunity for everyone in general who’s working at the receiver position to show off what they can do.”

On his role during the National Championship…

“I think that they trust me to put me in those positions and make plays like that. As a receiver, it’s not always about catching the ball, it’s about catching the ball and blocking. I know I didn’t get many targets during that game, but I still did my job blocking and I’m proud of that. It just made me feel like they trusted me in that situation.”





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