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[su_spacer size=”20″] Welcome to Bulldawg Illustrated’s Wednesday Night Bulldawg Trivia. The contest will begin at approximately 7 PM EST. Please take just a few minutes to read through how to FAQ that should answer most of your questions on how to play Bulldawg Illustrated’s Bulldawg Trivia before the trivia contest begins.
[su_spacer size=”20″] This is the first of three nights of trivia. In addition to tonight’s trivia, we will have another contest tomorrow night at 7 PM EST and on Friday night at 7 PM EST. Each night’s over all winner will be eligible to receive an autographed copy of Malcolm Mitchell’s book, The Magician’s Hat.
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[su_spacer size=”40″] In order to be able to answer the trivia question, you must have registered for a FREE Burn_Zone account and you have to be signed into your account to be able to comment and respond to the question.
[su_spacer size=”20″] If you have not registered for a FREE Burn_Zone account, you can do so HERE: http://www.theburn-zone.com/signup
[su_spacer size=”20″] If you have not signed onto your Burn_Zone account, you can do so HERE: http://www.theburn-zone.com/auth/signin
[su_spacer size=”40″] What subjects does Bulldawg Illustrated’s trivia cover?
[su_spacer size=”40″] Our trivia consists of questions about University of Georgia football that run the gambit of the history of the Georgia Bulldawgs football program from present day to its very beginnings.
[su_spacer size=”40″] How do I answer the trivia question if I know the answer?
[su_spacer size=”40″] When the moderator asks a question, if you know the answer to the question, you click on the “answer” tab of the question. It will open up a comment box for you to type in your answer to the question. You then click on the submit button.
[su_spacer size=”40″] Can I “Google” the answer if I don’t know it?
[su_spacer size=”40″] We have no way to police whether or not a person uses “Google,” phones a friend, or looks up an answer to the question and some of the trivia questions are difficult; so, if you need to do so, yes. You can “Google” to try to find the answer
[su_spacer size=”40″] Just keep in mind that a participant that knows the answer based on his or her knowledge of University of Georgia football and Bulldawg history will probably be able to answer the question quicker than a person who has to search for the answer.
[su_spacer size=”40″] How do you determine the winner of the trivia question?
[su_spacer size=”40″] The first person to correctly answer and submit his or her answer correctly to the trivia question will be considered the winner for that question.
[su_spacer size=”40″] If several people answer at once, how do you know who was the first person to get the question right?
[su_spacer size=”40″] The Burn_Zone commenting system time stamps each comment made. This includes replies to comments and answers to questions.
[su_spacer size=”40″] How do I win the autographed copy of Malcolm Mitchell’s book, The Magician’s Hat?
[su_spacer size=”40″] The participant who wins the most correct answers to tonight’s trivia questions will be considered the overall winner and will be eligible for an autographed copy of Malcolm Mitchell’s The Magician’s Hat.
[su_spacer size=”40″] How do I claim and receive my copy of The Magician’s Hat if I am the over all winner of tonight’s trivia?
[su_spacer size=”40″] We will know who the winner is and you will be asked to send your name, mailing address and phone number to Bulldawg Illustrated’s Bob Miller at bulldawgbob2@gmail.com.
[su_spacer size=”20″]
[su_spacer size=”20″] For more information on The Magician’s Hat, please visit Read With Malcolm:
[su_spacer size=”40″] Home
[su_spacer size=”40″]
[su_spacer size=”40″]

[su_spacer size=”20″] Welcome to Bulldawg Illustrated’s Wednesday Night Bulldawg Trivia. The contest will begin at approximately 7 PM EST. Please take just a few minutes to read through how to FAQ that should answer most of your questions on how to play Bulldawg Illustrated’s Bulldawg Trivia before the trivia contest begins.
[su_spacer size=”20″] This is the first of three nights of trivia. In addition to tonight’s trivia, we will have another contest tomorrow night at 7 PM EST and on Friday night at 7 PM EST. Each night’s over all winner will be eligible to receive an autographed copy of Malcolm Mitchell’s book, The Magician’s Hat.
[su_spacer size=”20″]
[su_spacer size=”40″] How do I play Bulldawg Illustrated’s Bulldawg Trivia?[su_spacer size=”40″] In order to be able to answer the trivia question, you must have registered for a FREE Burn_Zone account and you have to be signed into your account to be able to comment and respond to the question.
[su_spacer size=”20″] If you have not registered for a FREE Burn_Zone account, you can do so HERE: http://www.theburn-zone.com/signup
[su_spacer size=”20″] If you have not signed onto your Burn_Zone account, you can do so HERE: http://www.theburn-zone.com/auth/signin
[su_spacer size=”40″] What subjects does Bulldawg Illustrated’s trivia cover?
[su_spacer size=”40″] Our trivia consists of questions about University of Georgia football that run the gambit of the history of the Georgia Bulldawgs football program from present day to its very beginnings.
[su_spacer size=”40″] How do I answer the trivia question if I know the answer?
[su_spacer size=”40″] When the moderator asks a question, if you know the answer to the question, you click on the “answer” tab of the question. It will open up a comment box for you to type in your answer to the question. You then click on the submit button.
[su_spacer size=”40″] Can I “Google” the answer if I don’t know it?
[su_spacer size=”40″] We have no way to police whether or not a person uses “Google,” phones a friend, or looks up an answer to the question and some of the trivia questions are difficult; so, if you need to do so, yes. You can “Google” to try to find the answer
[su_spacer size=”40″] Just keep in mind that a participant that knows the answer based on his or her knowledge of University of Georgia football and Bulldawg history will probably be able to answer the question quicker than a person who has to search for the answer.
[su_spacer size=”40″] How do you determine the winner of the trivia question?
[su_spacer size=”40″] The first person to correctly answer and submit his or her answer correctly to the trivia question will be considered the winner for that question.
[su_spacer size=”40″] If several people answer at once, how do you know who was the first person to get the question right?
[su_spacer size=”40″] The Burn_Zone commenting system time stamps each comment made. This includes replies to comments and answers to questions.
[su_spacer size=”40″] How do I win the autographed copy of Malcolm Mitchell’s book, The Magician’s Hat?
[su_spacer size=”40″] The participant who wins the most correct answers to tonight’s trivia questions will be considered the overall winner and will be eligible for an autographed copy of Malcolm Mitchell’s The Magician’s Hat.
[su_spacer size=”40″] How do I claim and receive my copy of The Magician’s Hat if I am the over all winner of tonight’s trivia?
[su_spacer size=”40″] We will know who the winner is and you will be asked to send your name, mailing address and phone number to Bulldawg Illustrated’s Bob Miller at bulldawgbob2@gmail.com.
[su_spacer size=”20″]
[su_spacer size=”20″] For more information on The Magician’s Hat, please visit Read With Malcolm:
[su_spacer size=”40″] Home
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