Daily Dawg Thread: October 27, 2022

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Daily Dawg Thread: October 27, 2022

Daily Dawg Thread: October 27, 2022

Video/Transcript: Broderick Jones and Kenny McIntosh Interviews – October 26, 2022

On the focus of the bye week…

“Just hone in on what you have to work on individually. That was just the motto of the week throughout the whole bye week. Working on yourself and trying to figure out what your weaknesses are, and then just attacking the week.”

On the progression of the offensive line…





“We just try and do our best every day in practice. Keep the physicality going and keeping the tempo because it all starts with the O-line. We’re just trying to uphold that standard of coming off that ball to strike and attack. 

On the team’s mindset before the Florida game…

“I’ve learned throughout my years of college not to underestimate an opponent no matter what their record is. We come in every week and prepare the same regardless of if we’re playing in the national championship game like it’s our last game. You want to give your all. We just come in with that mindset every week ready to work, stay focused on your opponents, and lock in on your assignment to try and do your best to understand that game plan and attack it.”





On the excitement to play in his home state of Florida…

“Not really excitement. I want to go out there and do my job to help my team be victorious… I’m just ready to go out there and get this win and help my team in any way that I can.”

On his daily treatment routine…

“Depending on the day I may have class, other days I don’t. I wake up, on days that I don’t have class at like 7 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. Get here at 8 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. Basically, I’m in the training room with Ron (Courson) until I have to go to Rankin. I watch a little film while I’m getting treatment. Basically, I’m just in there. Whatever is bothering me that day, I’m getting treatment on.”

On how the offensive line has improved over the season…

“They have definitely been working hard at all of their skill sets. Their pad level, moving people out of the way and getting to that second level. Making impact plays and helping us run.”

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Greg is closing in on 15 years writing about and photographing UGA sports. While often wrong and/or out of focus, it has been a long, strange trip full of fun and new friends.