There has never been a better time to be a Dawg fan. The Touchdown Club of Athens is thankful for the many successes achieved in the Coach Richt era. And as we stand on the doorstep of the Coach Smart era, expectations and enthusiasm are sky high! As part of that, now is the time to join the Touchdown Club of Athens.
A few items about the club:
The Club:
The Touchdown Club of Athens was formed in 1946 and has actively supported UGA athletics and UGA football for 70 years!
The Coach:
The club is fortunate to have Coach Kirby Smart confirmed for our opening meeting (a Members Only meeting) on August 22nd. After hosting Coach Smart at the recent spring meeting, the club is also hopeful that becomes a tradition for him each spring.
The Speakers:
The club has confirmed Bobby Bowden, Scott Woerner, Tony Barnhart, and Frank Beamer as other notable speakers for the season ahead. The list of speakers is always a “Who’s Who” of college football fame, and 2016 is certainly no exception.
The Schedule:
Club meetings are scheduled for Mondays August 22nd, September 12th, September 26th, October 10th, October 24th, and November 7th.
The Trip:
The club is reviewing plans to organize a TD Club Members bus trip to select away games. This is a member requested enhancement and could be a fantastic way to enjoy a UGA game day experience.
• Meetings are held at the Athens Country Club.
• Social hour begins at 6:00 p.m.
• Dinner Program begins at 7:00 p.m.
• During the evening meetings – WRFC – 960 The Ref will broadcast a live one-hour show featuring interviews with the featured speaker, a flashback UGA player, and other special guests.
• Luncheon meetings begin promptly at 12:00 pm.
• Membership is open to any Georgia football fan. The current membership fee is $125.00. A Touchdown Club of Athens member is invited to attend six Fall evening meetings, one Fall luncheon meeting, and one Spring meeting. As a member, there is a discounted price for each meal and an ability to bring guest to the meetings.
The Bottom Line:
The Touchdown Club of Athens (GA) is the home club for all of the Touchdown Clubs in Bulldog Nation. The club is in Athens and needs strong, enthusiastic community support. By this invitation, the club wants YOU to help them create the best home field advantage in college football. That effort starts long before kickoff on Saturday.
Join The Touchdown Club of Athens today … http://www.