Loran Smith: Two Minute Drill

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Loran Smith: Two Minute Drill

Loran Smith: Two Minute Drill

With July 4th falling on Sunday, most Americans will celebrate this national holiday today, Monday July 5th.

Many will have traveled to an interesting location this weekend.  Airports have been crowded, roads have been congested and people have gloried in an opportunity to get outside and enjoy themselves.





The ideal time for July 4th on the calendar is when the holiday comes about on Thursday.    Then enthusiasts can head out for trip as early as Wednesday, making it a four day holiday weekend.

Over the years, I have often traveled on the holiday weekend, including international travel many summers.

With COVID bringing about an abrupt change last summer, there was a different pace and atmosphere.





I enjoyed sitting out on my patio under a shade tree in a cool breeze.  It was nice grilling hamburgers and hot dogs for family and a couple of friends even under the umbrella of social distancing.   Happy that will not be required today, as I put out my flag and enjoy my grill.  My passionate toast is that, “I’m grateful to be an American.” Selah!





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