University of Georgia athletic director Greg McGarity has often said that Georgia coaches are paid for performance. However, the salary increases announced today do not appear to follow the performance pay philosophy.
Newly hired offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer will be making $950,000 in his first year at UGA. One might say that this number is based on his performance as an offense of coordinator for the St. Louis Rams. His predecessor, Mike Bobo, was earning $575,000 per year prior to jumping ship for Colorado State.
Defensive line coach, Tracy Rocker will have his salary increased by two thirds to $500,000. Was Georgia’s defensive line performance almost twice as good as in 2013 or could Rocker’s increase have more to do with other team’s interest in his services? The same question may be asked about Bryan McClendon’s salary increase of almost 50% ($350,000 from $235,000).
It is nice to see that Georgia has realized that the laws of supply and demand apply to coaches.
(Salary figures in this report from 247Sports)