PROUST: Brian Satisky

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PROUST: Brian Satisky

PROUST: Brian Satisky

Family: Shelly (Wife, UGA ’94), Aly (UGA ’22), Jay (UGA ’24)

Hometown: Raleigh

Current Town: Atlanta

What Years at UGA: 1987-1991

School/Degree: BA / Political Science

Profession: Partner- Steelmart, Inc.

Accolades: Terry School of Business at UGA Alumni Board, Entrepreneur Program at UGA Board of Advisors, University of Georgia Board of Visitors, Magill Society, YPO (Young Presidents Organization), JFGA Board of Trustees, Epstein School Board of Trustees

What life lessons did you learn while at UGA? 

How to build a solid network of friends, social skills, and how to get along with people from all different backgrounds. These lessons/skills served me very well in later life. 

What professor did you most admire        (and why)? 

Dr. Park in the Political Science department. He inspired me to always keep learning and growing as a person.

What do you consider your greatest achievement? 

Along with my college roommate, building a business from the ground up, starting with no employees, to an industry leader.

Which historical figure do you most identify with? 

President George W Bush. Like him or not, he was a man of principle, and he lived his life guided by those principles.

Who are your heroes in real life? 

My parents. My father set the bar high for how to live your life. My mother is the kindest and most generous person that I know.

Quote to live by: 

“Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere. But sometimes, in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself.”

What is your idea of perfect happiness? 

Watching my children thrive, watching the Bulldogs win a big game, and spending time at the beach with my wife.

What is your most marked characteristic? 

Loyalty. When you’re in my circle, I will do anything within my power for you.

What do you most value in your friends? 

Kindness and sincerity.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 

I would give myself more patience.

Who are your favorite writers? 

Sir Thomas Carlyle. His greatest work, Sartor Resartus, changed my life. It gave me the cipher key to open up the door to what life really is about, and how to live my life in the right way.

Fave social media and who to follow? 

Facebook. Birthdays and life events are important to acknowledge, and I wouldn’t remember them if not for it.

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Cheri Leavy is a connector, cheerleader and marketing consultant for fellow entrepreneurs. Constantly on the lookout for the newest talent in the South, Cheri has a passion for helping entrepreneurs create and share their brand storytelling through her endeavors - The Southern Coterie • guide2athens • Bulldawg Illustrated