UGA Responds To Statements by Otis Reese

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UGA Responds To Statements by Otis Reese

UGA Responds To Statements by Otis Reese
Otis Reese

UGA Athletic Association Statement Regarding Otis Reese:

We cannot comment on student-athlete eligibility matters due to federal privacy laws, but we would be happy to share our full response to Otis Reese’s waiver request if he provides a signed release allowing us to do so.

UGA disputes any suggestion that it maintains an unsafe, unsupportive, or racially insensitive environments.

UGA Press Release

Here is Reese’s Tweet:

SEC Commissioner Greg Sankey made the following statement:





“There’s a very direct rule that says if you transfer from School A to School B in the SEC, you serve an academic year-of-residence (before you’re eligible),” Sankey said. “There are a set of NCAA oddity exceptions. Then in 2018, our membership created two more, one for grad transfers and one for individuals on teams that face postseason bans. And people send in waivers, but one of the questions that should be asked is not what is the commissioner going to do, it’s why haven’t our members voted to change that rule.

“So we’re inviting people to campus knowing there’s a clear rule, and now everyone points and says, ‘Well, you need to let people out of that rule.’ And one of the questions that’s real is why has our membership not acted to change, and the answer is because we have to work together, we have to be respectful. Could it change, should it change, might we manage it differently, those are questions still to be answered.

Sankey cites league rule in addressing SEC transfer questions





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